The Flight

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After over an hours delay, the plane was finally ready to take off, the cabin crew departed towards the ends of the plane-finished with their safety talks, and the captain announced that we would be leaving soon. Myself and Luke were in first class, there was at first a short, detachable wall separating our small 'room' type seats from eachother, however under Lukes request-these were taken away, merging our seated areas into one. We had been given complimentary duvets, pillows and blankets, since the 15 hour flight would overrun into the night, and our small monitors held a ray of different movies and television shows.

Usually, I hated long haul flights-especially ones where I had to sleep on board- however, knowing that I'd be in Sydney when I woke up, and having Luke by my side made the journey feel a lot less stressful than usual.

I turned to Luke, who was already staring in my direction, the left hand side of his face squashed against the planes seat.

"What did you think of me when I didn't show up to say goodbye?" He asked, referring to his recent stunt

I giggled in remembrance "I wanted to rip your balls off"

He giggled nervously, his eyes seeming warmed with my harsh honesty

"I'd never leave you" he whispered, he winded his finger around a strand of my hair, and pulled my forehead towards his lips, kissing it gently

I smiled, his random romantic outbursts is what only made me love him more

Suddenly, I felt forces of movement vibrate underneath me-as the plane began readying itself for take off, I drew my head away from Lukes face, and excitedly opened the blind on a near by window

"This is my favourite part!!" I beamed eagerly, staring outside the plane with my hand on the Windows surface.

Luke was silent, and as I turned back around, I saw that he looked extremely uncomfortable-him nibbling upon his fingernails and shooting his anxiety filled eyes shut

"Are you okay?" I chuckled

Luke opened one eye "yeah-I just-"

There was silence again, and Luke re closed both his eyes

"-I just don't like the taking off part"

A silent giggle escaped my mouth, realising how vulnerable Luke really was.

I took Lukes clenched hands, and intertwined them with my fingers, before running my hand through his hair gently.

"Tell me about your favourite band" I said

Luke looked cautious, and his eyes began to wander, even more so when the plane began to pick up speed on the runway

I took my finger and pointed his worried face back in my direction

"Tell me about your favourite band!" I repeated

"Oh-uhm-I'd probably say, my favourite band is good Charlotte-" he mumbled delicately

I lifted my eyebrows, telepathically insisting that Luke told me more "I've Liked them since I was like 15 years old, I think they've always just had that sound that's appealed to me-the sound that's kind of inspired me to write and perform in the way I do-" he began, immediately seeming more comfortable with the whole flying situation. I felt his fingers soon relax under my touch as he continued rambling on, I knew that I could get Luke into a heavy distraction if I brought up music-it was his one true passion.

As the plane continued its vertical uprising, Luke continued his mutterings, going on to tell me about his favourite songs-and 80s classics he loved during his youth.

Soon, The plane steadied and evened out-now thousands of meters into the sky, I finnished my sentence, and Luke looked at me in adoration

"Thankyou" he whispered "I hate taking off but you made it so easy"

I grinned innocently, tightening the grip I had on Lukes hand and gazing into his eyes with a small smile.

"I hope we can still see eachother, you know in the 5 days were in Sydney for" I said, fearful the comment came off as clingy

Luke smiled however, dismissing my phobia "me too" he said quietly "I don't think I could imagine even going these 5 days without seeing you Apps"

"Me neither" I admitted, feeling a slight dropping of the heart as I readied my next sentence "touring is going to be so hard without you Lukey" I frowned

Lukes eyes seemed to drop, and he immediately threw his left arm across my body "we'll make it work" he insisted "your only doing a 2 month tour- and for those two months I'll be in America touring too! For the rest of the tour, you can fly out, come with us!"

"We will be on the oposite ends of America Luke, and you know it's not that easy"

There was a slight silence as Lukes words stuttered, I shot my head down, and I couldn't help feel guilty by the wave of negativity I had instilled on what should have been a journey full of excitement.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled honestly, taking a firm grip of Lukes hand.

"No-it's okay-you're right"

"No you're right-we will make it work Lukey- first let's enjoy this trip, enjoy Christmas and then we will sort out where we go from there, okay?"

"Okay" Luke agreed, and I planted yet another small kiss on his lips

"Listen-I know you said we were done with the whole touring business-but I have something to give you"

I shot Luke a confused look, as he reached towards the black back pack that was placed at the side of his seat, he soon pulled out two, similar shaped, boxes, and placed one in my hands, keeping the other rested upon his lap.

"Another present?" I lectured gently "Luke I have been spoiled enough!-"

"It's more of a meaningful gift, over worth, I'm sorry if you don't like it I just thought-"

I began opening the box, which quietened Luke, and at the same speed, he began opening the box on his lap.

I gasped subtlety, a huge grin making its way onto my face. Inside the box were 2 small "in-ear" contraptions-the things artists use whilst on stage-that were decorated with the initials 'L.H', and the box that Luke held, contained the same, only with the initials 'A.L' printed upon them.

"I just thought-it could be our little way of being connected whilst on tour" he muttered

"It's a beautiful idea Luke!" I replied? admiring my new in-ears adoringly

Luke smiled "I'm glad you think so"

I put the lid back on the small box, and tugged Luke into another hug "I love you"

"I love you too"

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