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It was Friday, and a couple of days of non working associated activities had passed, I spent the days lounging around the house and spending time with the household, with the occasional Skype call home to family members and friends back in Austrailia.

It was 2:30pm and I had just finished getting ready, with plans to go shopping with Georgie. I had dressed myself in a pair of light blue jeans, a black and flowy crop top, a black cardigan and a pair of white high top  converse. My hair was styled in a middle parting, with effortlessly curled blonde strands falling from my shoulders.

It was at this minute that my phone began to ring, the ringtone echoing around my room from the bed that the mobile was lay upon. I could guess who this was going to be, since myself and Luke hadn't actually been on a 'fake date' in what felt like forever.

I jogged the distance between the mirror I was stood infront of, and the phone, before inspecting the caller ID and holding the phone to my ear

"APPLE!" My publicist Joannes familiar voice sounded down the mobile "I haven't spoken to you in days! How are you!" She asked

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm good!" I assured her

"Good! That's what I like to hear" she beamed "Hows things with Luke going? Any problems?"

"No, no problems, everything seems to be going-perfectly" I said, a smile covering my lips as the words escaped my mouth

"And that's what it looks like from an outsiders perspective too!! The media is loving this story Apple! Do you know how many phone calls I've had from companies wanting to interview you? It's insane!" She said enthusiastically "And you are only helping yourself, that 'date' at the beach the other night was genius!" She encouraged

I felt a sudden sinking feeling in my stomach "They got pictures of us at the beach on Wednesday?" I asked, it was upsetting to think that the media were now so obsessed with the story that they had captured and published the only outing myself and Luke wanted private.

"Oh, Apple, you mean- that wasn't for the publicity stunt?" Jo questioned

There was a slight silence on the phone line as I debated lying to Jo

"Apple, I really don't think that's dating Luke is such a good idea, I mean, this was a business deal-"

"We're not dating- We have just been spending a lot of time together recently" I insisted

Another silence fell along the line

"Anyway, I Uhm, I have another date lined up for you, I want you both to go to the bowling alley, I'll text you the location, I'll make sure that there's someone there who can leak a picture of you entering together, hold hands, look lovey-Dovey, your doing great up to now" Jo assured me, despite the previous, slightly awkward situation

"Okay, what time Jo?"

"5-be there at 5" she said "remember Apple your album is released in two days, 5sos' in three, this is going to be one of your last chances to promote yourself!"

And with that the call ended, I swung open my door, and wandered towards Luke's room, about to tell him the news.


With the fake date ruining any chance of mine and Georgie's ability to have a proper shopping trip given the timing of events, we decided to stay home and hang out in my room instead, she had showed me some magazine articles that she had been hiding from me that featured myself and Luke's Wednesday night beach-kiss, and assured me that she only did this to keep me happy. I was angry, the publicity stunt seemed to be ruining any chance of me and Luke having privacy together anymore, and the publication of Wednesday's events only became a harsh reality as I began to believe that if me and Luke ever did become a couple, our whole lives would be printed among the tabloids.

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