"You always were"

844 24 5

It was around 30 minutes later, and we were still on or way to the destination Luke had decided on-I had no idea were we were, but we were now travelling along a narrow lane that I never knew even existed until this exact point.

The windows of the car were rolled down, and the time of day meant that the sky was a beautiful mix between an orange and pinky colour. We were surrounded by small fields and trees, and we had not passed one single car during the whole 20 minute duration of our journey along the lane. I asked Luke where we were going again, only to receive a warm grin as the question left my tongue.

"-right here" he said, as he swooped around a right bend of the unfamiliar road.

I lifted myself up out of my once slouching state, pulling down my legs from where they previously rested upon the dash board and getting excited when I found out that we were finally here-wherever 'here' was.

As Luke turned and stopped the vehicle, A sandy cliff is what greeted us, it was surrounded by tall and dark trees, and was overlooking the breathtaking Hollywood skyline.

"Oh my gosh" I whispered, quickly unbuckling my seatbelt "Luke this place is beautiful!" I beamed

Luke unclipped his seatbelt too, giggling as I jumped out of the car in excitement, and ran towards the edge of the cliff so I could get a proper look at our destination and surroundings

Miniature cars could be seen in the distance, with only an almost mute ring to their engines, buildings sweept across the skyline, and the sun was setting in line with a huge live event venue, which was firing almost invisible beams of light into the colourful sky.

Luke came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and resting his head on my shoulder

"Isn't this beautiful!" I said enthusiastically, pointing out to Luke different landmarks around the city that I had only ever seen from a normal point of view.

"Yeah-it's pretty" Luke chuckled, seeming amused at my enjoyment "-but your prettier" he whispered, causing light goosebumps to cover the skin of my arms

I smiled, and he stole a kiss from my check, nipping at my dimples with his lip ring.

We stood in adoration of the view for a further few minutes, it was extraordinary.

"Picture time" I soon giggled, urging Luke to take a selfie with my excited self.

"No" Luke chuckled "no pictures-I hate pictures"

"Tough!" I protested "We are having a picture right here-right now, and you-and me-and the view is going to look amazing! plus this would be our first picture that we have chosen to take"

A smile engraved itself onto Luke's lips, and he reluctantly wandered back to the car, re appearing shortly after with his phone placed in his grip.

I took it from him, before holding it out at arms length and posing for the screen. I took several of the images, and as I looked back at them I saw that Luke pulled a variety of funny faces, and some of the pictures featured myself and Luke laughing naturally. My favourite however was a snap where Luke was kissing my cheek, and I was laughing at his geekiness as he nuzzled his lips against my face.

Luke smiled lightly as I continued to scroll through the pictures

"Okay I have an idea!" I laughed "stand there" I instructed, pointing towards the edge of the cliff

"Your not going to push me are you" Luke said, his dad-joke- styled humour bringing out the best of him

I hummed ironically, as if I was genuinley thinking hard at the question, which caused a small and quiet crackle to escape Lukes mouth

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