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*dedicated to @lucasdafukboi your comments have meant so much💕*

A few days had passed, and several radio and television appearances had too- The publicity stunt was fooling everyone, which I felt slightly guilty for, however I was being asked about Luke at every show I appeared on- it was just what management wanted, and I was informed that both myself and 5sos' preordered album sales were on the increase.

It was now Wednesday and although the publicity stunt could sometimes feel so wrong, a strong advantage was that it basically did the usually tiring promo work for me- meaning I had yet another couple of days off and away from the cameras.

Ashton had invited a small group of friends round to the house for a bbq that was going to take place later in the evening, and I was excited to relax before yet more radio interviews were to take place later in the week.

I pulled a white, loose fitting shirt around my head, before sliding on a pair of grey coloured skinny jeans and pairing the outfit some laced military boots, before pulling a small cardigan across my arms. It was October, the weather wasn't perfect- but it was nowhere near "cold"

As I skipped downstairs I saw Luke styling his hair in the mirror that was placed on a wall in the hallway

"Checking yourself out?" I called

"Yeah" Luke giggled nervously "but if I didn't you would"

"Whatever you say" I grinned, as I strutted past Luke and into the kitchen, shooting him a small smile as I walked through the doorway

I now considered Luke as a friend-a really good friend- a really really really good friend- we had become so close.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the barely filled fruit bowl that was placed upon a nearby counter top, and took a bite into it.

"Oh look-Apples eating an Apple" Michael joked, as he pointed and chuckled merrily at the sight.
Calum shrugged the dressing gown hood off his head, and giggled along at his ironic joke.

I shook my head at the 'joke' since I had the inability to even fake laugh since it had been made so many times before.

Calum suddenly began laughing again "oh look- Apples also wearing your lady boots Mike"

My eyes examined my boots, before glancing over to the feet of Michael, noticing he was wearing the exact same pair. 

"Apple for fucks sake" he lectured, only just overpowering to volume of Calum's giggles.

"It's not my fault!" I giggled

Michael squatted down on the wooden floor beneath him, as he began to pull off the boots with a small whine about how this "always happens" and an embarassed look to his eyes.

Luke then entered the kitchen, noticing a squatting Michael on the floor and portraying a confused smirk as he did so

"Shut up" Michael beamed, throwing his shoe in Lukes direction

Luke laughed-dodging the flying boot, he double took at it as it hit the floor

"Aren't they the same boots as Apple is wearing?" Luke chuckled, suddenly noticing why Michael was taking the boots off in the first place

The publicity stunt//lrhDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora