The hoodie

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I smiled underneath Luke's kiss, and pulled away from his face as he did the same, he moved his hands from where they were once cupped beneath my chin and glided them down my arms so they held my wrists gently, I looked up into the sky, observing the rain drops as they fell heavily onto my face, and as my eyes moved downwards, I couldn't help but notice Luke's shirt becoming ever more transparent under the droplets of rain that was falling amongst both our clothing.

Despite mine wandering, Luke's eyes remained locked on my face

"Thankyou" he muttered

I grinned at him softly "What for?"

A glowing smile re appeared on his face, and he shook his head with a giggle "I don't know, this" he said

I looked at him and smiled again and he ran his finger up my neck and to the tip of my chin, before stealing a short kiss from me again.

"Race ya to the car" he suddenly blurted out, as he placed his fingers between mine and tugged me away from the coast, despite his competitive instruction, we both ran for the car ahead of us without releasing the intertwinement between our fingers.

By the time we were home, the bbq had ended, and Cal and Michael were lay in the living area with beers planted in their grips, seeming to watch a new episode of South Park. I assumed that Georgie and Ashton were probably away doing couple-y things on their own.

The front door made a loud 'bang' as it shut, which caught the attention of Calum and Michael

They double took their gazes when seeing myself and Luke stood drenched in the doorway

"Luke- I know you said you were going to make her wet but this is not what I thought you meant" Michael said childishly, his smug grin making it evident that the words never actually left Luke's mouth.

Calum laughed and Luke let out a silent chuckle from his mouth.

"What have you been doing?!" Calum asked with a giggle

"I have no idea" I answered on behalf of us both, smiling humorously at Luke who was returning back a knowing and amused grin.

"Secretive" Michael said, as he lifted both of his eyebrows up a numerous amount of times, causing all of us to lightly giggle again

"Anyway, fancy watching this with us then?" Cal asked

Despite both mine and Luke's love for the television show, we were both soaking wet, so decided to deny the offer and went upstairs to dry off and change clothes. At the top of the stairs, I handed Luke back his white jacket that he had given to me to keep warm, and muttered a quiet "Thankyou" as I did so.

He took the jacket from my grip and threw it onto his bed, via the open door that led into his bedroom from the landing.

"Tonight was fun" I admitted shly, wary that I probably didn't look too great given the fact I had just been out in terrestrial showers with make up on.

"I know, we should do it again some time" Luke said, him smiling in my direction nervously.

"Yeah, we should" I said, accepting his offer

I watched as Luke bit down on his bottom lip, and smiled when noticing he seemed nervous

"So I guess tonight was kind of our first real date" he suddenly muttered

"Kind of" I said "I normally expect much higher standards though, I'm not jumping into the freezing cold sea every time we go out-not even for you" I teased

"I know, I think I'll play it safe and go for dinner next time" he said with a grin

I shot him a smug gaze, before gathering the bottom of my shirt with my two palms and ringing out the water it was holding, watching as it fall onto the carpet beneath us

"I guess I should go and get changed" I chuckled

Luke copied my actions, ringing out the droplets of rain that had been captured in the material of his shirt

"Yeah, me too" he laughed

When I entered my room, I closed my door and placed my back upon it, allowing a huge smile to escape onto my lips, I couldn't help it, I had such a nice night, and it felt good to see myself and Luke's relationship developing.

I walked over to the mirrored wardrobe on the oposite side of the room, frowning as I saw my smudged mascara and contouring, I took a make up wipe from a near by block of dressers, and wiped the mess from my face, feeling better already as I did so.

I then removed all my clothing, and showered quickly in a hope to warm up and remove the sea-water smell from my skin.

As I exited the shower, and re entered my room, I pulled on a fresh pair of underwear, and began rummaging through my wardrobe, I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a white "LA" crop top, I then continued searching for a hoodie however, I hadn't seemed to pack one

I opened the door of my room and trotted across to the door of Luke's, knocking lightly on the wooden panels that were infront of me.

"Yeah?" I heard Luke call

"It's Apple!" I shouted "can I come in?"

Luke's footsteps could be heard slapping against the wooden floor, and he pulled open his door immediately

He greeted me in nothing but a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms, his hair was still wet from the shower he had probably just had and he ruffled it nervously when our eyes locked

I tried to stop my eyes from wandering towards his broad shoulders

"Have you uhm, got a hoodie I can borrow?" I asked

I suddenly regretted asking the question, I didn't want to seem like one of those clingy girls who stole a boys clothes, I had never borrowed an item of Luke's clothing before, and I was wary that he might think I was asking in a flirtatious manor, when in reality it was just because I was still freezing cold, and without a hoodie of my own.

"Sure" Luke grinned, dispelling all of my worries I had about him being weird about the situation, I followed him into his room-that was surprisingly clean for a boy of his age-and watched in awe as he fumbled around agressively in his drawers, attempting to find a hoodie in the fastest time possible

"Gotcha" I heard him mumble, as he pulled at a grey sleeve amongst the mountains of clothes in his drawer, as he pulled the sleeve, the hoodie came flying out of his drawers, revealing itself as a piece of "ACDC" merch

"How's this?" He asked, as he came towards me with the hoodie "it might be a little big but-"

"The bigger the better-they're comfier when they're oversized" I interrupted with a smile

He pulled the hoodie over my face, allowing me to climb into its warm material

"Perfect!" I grinned, as I admired the hugely oversized jumper that hung lazilly over my body

A smile escaped onto Luke's face as he observed the scene, and he wandered closer to me, pulling up the hood on the item of clothing, and tugging the two strings of material that were hanging below it, which caused the hood to shrivel up and reveal only a small section of my face.

Luke laughed aimlessly, as he watched a humoured frown swallow my facial expression, however this soon disappeared into a flirtatious smirk as he used the hood to tug me closer

"you know, I know another way we can get warm" he whispered against my only-just-showing lips

I giggled despite his fairly serious tone, and smacked his arm playfully "nice try"

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