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We arrived at the event, and I could already hear mumbled screams as my vehicle pulled up at the top of the red carpet. As I looked out of the blacked out windows, waiting for my chauffeur to pull open my door, I scanned the environment, seeing mountains of younger teenagers being held back by railings, and many paparazzi and interviewers aligned along each side of the red carpet, some already interviewing a couple of my celebrity friends. The door was soon pulled open, and the blinding flashes caused me to squint slightly, I fought against the urge i had to shield my eyes, and exited the vehicle, posing as a ray of paparazzi captured my picture.

I then walked over to the youngsters who threw camera phones and pieces of paper for me to sign in my direction, hugging certain members of the crowd as they told me how big of fans they were.

Then I scanned the interviewers- I noticed the E! Crew that Luke had once spoken to, and made a telepathic deal with myself to talk to them-since they seemed so lovely.

However I started with a Sugarscape team, who were stanzed at the very beginning of the carpet. They greeted me upon arrival, before asking me many weird and silly questions regarding my new album, they then had me partake in a mini dance off against Justin Bieber- who I had only met a couple of times previously-before the topic was subtlety brought to Luke

"Okay so we're going to have a game of snog, kill and marry now" the female presenter said, moving her position slightly so the camera they had could zoom in on my face.

"Sounds fun" I smiled, as I was handed a microphone of my own

"-I'm sure your aware of the rules, we will give you three people, you just have to tell us who you'd snog, kill and marry" she said

I nodded swiftly, a grin printed on my lips as I knew what was coming

"Harry Styles, Justin Bieber and Luke Hemmings" she asked

"Okay, I'd probably kill Harry" I said- the interviewer immediately interrupting me

"KILL HARRY?!" She asked, seeming shocked with my answer

"That was the only other option left from the others!!" I defended myself innocently "I love Harry! I've known him for years though! I couldn't kiss him it would just be weird!"

"-okay fair enough fair enough, who would you snog" she asked

"Id probably snog Justin" I muttered, Justin's gaze shooting towards us from his current interview on the carpet next to us. Causing huge laughs between us all to surface in the air.

I finnished my chuckling, and completed the list "and then I'd marry Luke" I said with a smile. Even though the answer was probably necessary for the publicity stunt, It was also my honest answer, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfortability with the knowledge that I was telling the truth. It was also weird to think that a couple of months back, my answer would have been completely different to the one I gave in the interview.

"So you'd marry Luke Hemmings!" She beamed, as one of the other crew members scribbled something down on her note pad-probably planning for a later headline.

I smiled and nodded, giggling innocently.

The interviewer then started speaking again "-actually speaking about Luke, a lot of stories between you both have been hitting the news recently-is their anything you'd like to clean up?" She asked

This was the question the whole interview had been leading up to, And I felt a slight pressure, this was the first face-to-face interview were I had been asked about Luke. I remembered Joannes advice about trying to act like the situation was happening if me and Luke were really secretly dating-and not to be too upfront about anything.

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