"Her words, not mine"

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The small crowd of people who were once watching the scene soon continued with the party, after many had checked up on Luke, and reassuringly patted him on the back.

I watched as Luke's angered face was once again pulled into Calum's neck, which seemed to be calming the boy down, his alcohol ridden body seemed to be fuelling a lot of his anger, however Luke seemed genuinely upset with the happening

"I'm not a bad person" Luke whimpered into the crook of Calum's neck were he was still being held. At the scene was now Jack, Michael, Ashton and Celeste, who were also (despite all seeming extremely intoxicated aswell) trying to calm down the boy.

"We know that pal!" Ashton assured "it's a sensitive topic you had the right to be mad"

"Yeah, if I'd of heard him speak about dad like that I'd of swung for him aswell" Jack muttered unhelpfully

Luke pulled his head away from Calum's neck and shrugged himself off

"I think, I think I'm going to go home now" He announced, causing a sympathetic look to cross everyone's face

"I'll come with you" I told him, taking my purse back from Celeste, who I had given it to during the scene.

I figured that Luke would need someone to help him home, since he had clearly drank to much, he also seemed shaken up and upset about the event, meaning it would be nice for him to have someone-sober-with him.

"I'll come too" Michael decided, properly fitting his jacket onto his body

"And me" Ashton and Calum spoke in sync

"It's fine" Luke answered "I'm fine, I don't need a support group"

"I'm coming anyway" I told Luke

He didn't argue back, and was soon smothered in goodbye hugs from the friendship group, before we both made our way out of the party, and jumped into a taxi outside that a group of other party goers kindly gave up for us.

As we returned home, I paid the driver, before carefully steadying Luke out of the taxi, being drunk was one thing, but a combination of intoxication and tiredness made things especially difficult when attempting to keep Luke in an upwards position as we walked towards the house.

I unlocked the front door, still balancing Luke in one of my arms, he was swaying slightly, and was lost in an endless mumble about his dog Molly, and how much he missed Sydney.

As the door opened, Luke stood upright, sprinting inside wobilly towards the sofa, I giggled lightly at the scene, before locking the front door, and hanging the keys on a near by key rack, I took off my jacket, and placed my clutch in the hallway, before following Luke into the living room.

Greeted here, I was amused, since I found Luke completely sprawled out across the sofa, his face pressed against one of the pillows messily, and one of his long legs dangling off the side, I became somewhat nostalgic, soon realising that this was the exact thing that I do after consuming too much alcohol

"Hey!" I giggled, squatting beside Luke's face

Luke hummed, his eyes squinting slightly

"Aren't you going to go to bed?" I asked gently

"No" he answered drowsily "I like it here"

I chuckled at his half-asleep-half-awake state, before standing to my feet, ready for my departure from the room.

"Where are you going!" I suddenly heard a cry

I turned to see a frightened looking Luke now sat upon the couch I had left him on

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