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I giggled off the comment, before returning to normal conversation with the rest of the group

"You okay after last night dude?" Calum asked, as he gently patted Luke on the shoulder, before sitting down on the couch beside him

"Yeah I'm fine" Luke replied, strategically placing a small smile at the end of his sentence to confirm the comment "Apple was a great company" he continued, turning the small smile into a cheesy grin

Cal let a side smirk escape onto his lips, as Georgie scooted closer to join me on the floor infront of Luke and Calum's positioning on the couch

"I heard that kid got his ass kicked after he left the party last night" Ash muttered, glaring down at his phone screen

"I'm not surprised" Michael answered, him obviously hearing the briefs of the conversation as he entered the room "that guy was a fucking looney"

"Yeah" Calum agreed "What did he do to you again Apple?" He asked

I looked over at Luke, him seeming uncomfortable with recapping the situation

"It doesn't matter now" I answered in a merry tone, motioning my eyes over to Luke to telepathically explain why I wasn't going to go into detail

Michaels face fell into a frowning expression once his eyes locked on the boy, who seemed to now be lost in some kind of sad daydream "You know what, I think that guy getting his ass kicked calls for a celebration" Mikey grinned, scuffling over to the opposite side of Luke to where Calum was, encapturing Luke's attention "You know where I think we should go Lukey?" He said, beginning to hug the boy tightly, much to Luke's amusement

"Where" Luke giggled

"To that lovely stretch of private beach that's like a 5 minute drive from here" he uttered, picking his vocabulary wisely to draw us in "because we all know that's Luke's favourite place in the world" he sang cheerfully

A smile cracked onto Luke's mouth as Mikey pressed his cheek against his own

"FAMILY OUTING" Ash suddenly began to chant, his familliar, endless wave of giggles soon following after Calum and Michael began to join in aswell

"Let's do it" Luke chuckled, before the whole room cracked into cheers.

After the household had decided that the beach was a great way to spend some well deserved time together, myself and Georgie went upstairs, ready to put on some more appropriate clothing choices for the beach, Georgie went into Ashton's room, gathering some of her clothes from the small suitcase she still hadn't unpacked from, before bringing them into my room so we could get dressed together

"So, You and Ash" I teased, as I stared into the wardrobe that held a mixture of temperature wary clothes

"What about us" I heard Georgie chuckle, as she stuck one of her legs through the holes of the White shorts she had decided to wear

"You like him? Like more than just a hook up type thing?" I asked her, as I picked out a pair of light denim shorts

"I think so" Georgie said, her blush could be felt without me even turning around to see it painted upon her cheeks

I hummed knowingly "He seems to like you too!"

"Let's not jinx it" she giggled "I don't know we're just taking things slow" she paused "I feel like this whole thing was a little rushed but I mean- he's a nice guy, and what's the point in playing around if we both feel the same towards eachother"

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