Lipstick Stains

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"Don't be so boring" Georgie whined, as she scooted closer to me on the couch

I sat snuggled under a blanket, in the living room of Georgie's large apartment, We had only arrived back from the hotel a few hours ago, yet Georgie's party animal self was shining as she continued to persuade me that throwing a party that night would be a good idea. It could of been considered bizarre to others that Georgie was begging me to throw a party in her own home, but we considered it my home too, especially since I had been practically living there for a few months now, infact the only time I had ever gone back to my previous home was to gather more of my belongings.

"Cant we just have a movie night? I kind of just want to relax" I begged

"Apple- your 19 years old, Spice up your life a little, enjoy yourself!" Georgie said, adding to her previous statements on why it was such a good idea to party tonight.

I stared her in the eyes , as she fluttered hers back at me, telepathically pleading for the final time

"Fine" I answered, giving in to her begging, I couldn't stand to go home and spend the night by myself, I hated being alone, and I guess Georgie was right to some extent- I had all my life to lounge around.

"Good girl" She praised, a cute smile making its way onto her face as she ripped her phone from the back pockets in her jeans and began to promote the party to the vast majority of our A and B lister friends


I heard the bouncer that was stood outside Georgie's apartment invite the first few guests inside, it was an easy task to get security for parties that are happening at celebrities homes- since trouble could be likely to start if anyone was let through the door.
As Georgie greeted the arriving guests in the kitchen. I finished curling the final strand of straight hair, before throwing on a pair of black heeled stilettos which perfectly complimented the long black dress with a slit in the left leg that i had chosen to wear.

I waltzed towards the kitchen, finding more guests than i had expected, A group of around 15 mixed gendered, somewhat-familiar individuals and Georgie were gathered around the granite topped island in the centre of the kitchen, downing shots that Georgie had covered the worktop in.

Music was being blurted from large speakers that Geo only brought out of her garage during the biggest of parties- and by my normally very accurate predictions-Tonight was going to be massive.

"Come on Apple" Georgie cheered, as she held up a shot glass filled with a purple substance, I hesitated, bearing in mind I could be such a lightweight. Without overthinking, and with the small crowd of people also now egging me on, I gripped the shot glass between my finger and thumb, and threw the liquid down my throat.

"Another!" Georgie protested merrily, an innocent giggle placed at the end of her sentence as she handed me another glass

I took it from her and again downed the shot, Before wiping the wet remains from the corners of my mouth.

Georgie turned the volume of the music even higher, and the door revealed yet another large group of guests

"Lets get this party started!" Georgie shouted, as she poured yet another one of the shots down her neck, and greeted the arriving guests.


People were everywhere, The kitchen was filled with a large number of teenagers and young adults in dangerously drunken states. My only source of balance was the counter I was leaning against, I felt alone, my vision was highly blurred and the music that was playing seemed faded and didn't seem to be fully registering as songs at all as the harmonies tickled my ear drums

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