'Staceys mom'

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Myself and Georgie sat on my bed in the 5sos home, I held my stomach in pain as I licked away a smudge of tomato pure' that had stained itself among my upper lip

"Im so full" I whined, staring at the couple of pieces of pizza that were left in the box, the 'LA EXPRESS' was renowned for having super sized pizzas, and so having only a couple of pieces left meant that we had swallowed pounds of the food.

"Me too" Georgie replied, as she pushed away the box so it was out of reach, fully aware non of us were going to be able to Finnish the final slices

"So" She said, as she rolled her body over onto her front, so she was looking at me straight in the eye, I raised my eyebrows and finished chewing the piece of pizza that was in my mouth

"Are things awkward between you and Luke after the other night?" She asked

I was so caught up in the news of having to live in the new surroundings, and having to fake date Luke that i had somehow become completely forgetful of the other nights events, and as soon as I was reminded I grunted, throwing my head into my hands

"Are you okay?" Georgie questioned

"Yeah sorry" I answered, lifting my head back up "No they haven't been awkward, I mean, I kind of forgot"

"You forgot?!" Georgie giggled "Apple Linton you are scandalous" She joked

Suddenly the door of my bedroom slammed open, and banged against the inside wall of my room, Calum, Michael, Luke and Aston all stood in the doorway, in some kind of hero stanz

"WE HEARD THAT YOU HAVE PIZZA!" Michael shouted, which calmed the original assumption I had when I first saw the boys as I thought they were eaves dropping. I shot Luke an amused look, knowing he was the one who must have told the other boys about the order of LA EXPRESS

Me and Georgie began to laugh, as we watched the boys sprint through the doorway, and towards the pizza box at the end of the bed


"Holy shit you girls can eat!" Calum joked

There was a small and humorous scuffle at the end of the bed, as the boys decided who was going to get the last two pieces of pizza, however eventually they settled on breaking the two pieces in half, so they were all able to have some of the cheesy delight.

I wish that Georgie had never reminded me about my drunk encounter with Luke, since now i felt more withdrawn than ever, and found myself feeling Luke's presence very awkward.

"Okay I'm gonna order some more" Luke declared, as he sucked the remaining crumbs of his piece of pizza off his fingers

"What? Some more balls?" Michael laughed

"Yeah, He's gonna order some more balls, then maybe he would have the guts to make a move on Apple whilst he's actually sober" Calum giggled, as he exited the room, following Luke and Michaels foot steps.

Luke shouted back a curse word loudly.

Ashton looked at me and raised his eyebrows, a giant smirk on his face.

"What?" I questioned

"Oh, Nothing" Ashton replied in a sarcastic tone

Georgie looked at him and laughed, as if they were sharing an inside joke that I wasn't aware of

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, before shooting myself backwards so that I was once again lay on the comfy mattress. I engaged myself in the conversation between my best friend and her new found love however soon found myself drifting off to sleep.

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