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I woke up to a rhythmic buzzing. As my eyes flinched I became aware of my surroundings, I was lay on top of the duvets of my bed in my room and was still in the clothes I had worn the night before.

The buzzing only became more and more irratatiting, and within seconds i realised that the sound was being created by my phone passing vibrations through a side table next to my bed, with a heavy groan i glanced over at it, before pulling it closer to my face and squinting my eyes as a natural reaction to the sudden, unpleasant wave of light, I clicked the 'answer' button and pulled the phone to me ear

"Good morning!" I hear a voice sing down the phone

"Hello?" I said, the tone of my voice making me seem confused

"Its Joanne! I hope you didn't have to much of a late night last night, We have another date lined up for you both this afternoon!" My publisict beamed "Its at Blue Moon beach, Iv booked you both in for surfing lessons! There wont be as many photographers this time,but it's still important that you go!" She informed me

"Okay Jo" I replied, in a sleepy voice

"Your doing really well Apple, your pre order album sales have hit the roof! All this publicity is paying off I promise you! This is the best kind of promo we have ever done with you, it is working so much better than all these talk shows and radio interviews" She spoke "Anyway, from the pictures I'v seen, it looks like you two have genuinely been getting on pretty well anyway"

"He's a friend" I assured her

"I never suggested otherwise" She teased, allowing no time for me to reply "Oh and I know this is a little full on right now, but if you want to be portrayed as a proper couple then your going to have to be seen out with each other on a weekly basis, we will spread out the dates a little more in a few days, but until then, just keep doing what your doing" She told me for what felt like the 100th time "Anyways be at blue moon by 2 o clock! Sharp!" She beamed through the phone

"Okay Okay!" I answered, holding my finger inches away from the 'end call' button on the phones screen

"And make sure Luke's awake!" I heard Joanne shout just as I ended the call.

I sat myself up immediately knowing that if I stayed lay down, I'd instantly fall back to sleep. Following Joannes final request, i stood up out of bed ready to go and wake Luke from his slumbur, I knew he would still be sleeping since it was only 9am. I trotted along the hallway to Luke's room, that was directly facing my own, and opened the door attempting to create the smallest amount of noise possible

I saw Luke lay under the covers, his hair was quiffed in the same way as the night before, almost like his hair was trained to stay up in the position, however many locks of hair covered his face, making it seem messy. The duvet sheet was pulled up to his mouth, he seemed so timid and innocent.

"Luke" I said quietly, creeping over to his bed, and squatting down beside his face

"Hey, Wake up" I said again, highering the volume of my voice but still ensuring it was said in a soft tone
Luke stretched out his arms and let out a yawn, before finally opening his eyes

"Apple?" He questioned, his eyes widening as he spotted me squatted down before his face "Is everything Okay?" He questioned.

I chuckled at his sudden alertness
"Yeah everything's fine" I assured him

"We have another fate?" He asked

"Fate?" I questioned

"Yeah, you know, fake date shortened" He giggled raspilly

"Oh" I laughed "Then yes, we do have another fate,-this afternoon" I chuckled "Guess what we're doing" I said

"What?" He asked, seeming genuinely intrigued

"Surfing lessons" I laughed

"Oh my god" He gasped, seeming happy about our publicists choice of activity "I finally get to be a proper aussie!" He beamed, pulling himself up from his lying down position which revealed his broad shoulder bones.

"You've never been surfing?" I gasped, attempting to control my natural impulse to stare at his revealed chest

"No" Luke murmured

I pulled an astonished look on my face. Aware that Luke was from Australia aswell, I struggled to believe how he had never taken part in the typical Australian sport

"I know I know, strip me from my Australian resident badge now" He said playfully

I laughed, making one of the shoulder straps from the dress I was still wearing from the night before fall off my arm, I slid it back into its original position, before acknowledging the fact that I couldn't remember even coming home last night, never mind getting into bed

"Did you carry me to bed last night?" I asked Luke "Its just, After a few drinks I usually just collapse on the sofa"

"Yeah" Luke blushed

I looked at him in awe as his cheeks blushed a pinky shade

"Thankyou" I muttered

He took his eyes away from the phone screen he was now looking at, and stuck out his arm before ruffling my hair

"I'll take you to bed whenever you want" He replied cheekily, immediately turning the conversation into an innuendo

I laughed aswell before standing to my feet and going to exit the room "We need to be at Blue Moon beach by 2pm! Sharp!" I informed Luke, repeating the words that Joanne had told me whilst I was chatting to her on the phone

"Blue moon?" Luke gasped "That place is like a 3 hour drive from here!" He said

"I know!" I answered "3 hours with You, how will i survive" I teased

He laughed "Aren't you too hungover to joke around?" He asked playfully

"Probably" I answered, giggling at his comment and preparing my exit from the room

"And remember to bring a bikini!" Luke called from his bed, as I reached the door "Perhaps with a top this time" He mocked

I turned around, shooting him an amused look

"Actually, forget I said that" He said flirtatiously

"What like get amnesia? Forget about the stupid little things?" I asked, purposely referencing one of his songs lyrics, It was probably one of the only songs I had heard of my room mates, since my favourite radio station frequently used to play it, however he still seemed impresessed that I knew one of his songs

"Your so lame" He joked

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