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We had arrived home from the yacht ---that my friends had generously rented me for my birthday- with sorrow, despite the amazing breakfast captain Jacob had spread out for us, we were all in low spirits upon our departure from such a beautiful boat-such a beautiful overnight stay that was filled with memories.

However, it had now been a couple of days and the 6 of us had done nothing big in particular-apart from a large haul online shop that we decided to do together for once since someone was always upset that there favourite crisps hadn't been bought-or that the person in charge of the shop had forgotten frozen pizzas, which seemed to be what 5/6 of us chose to have for dinner on most nights, with Ashton as an exception as he was more of a Greenie.

I now skipped behind Calum as he carried my large suitcase downstairs, I couldn't believe today was finally the day I left for my 5 day trip in Sydney-thanks to Luke-

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, Calum huffed sarcastically, acting like the challenge of bringing down my suitcase was a huge physical drain, and my household that were waiting for me in the hallway silenced and smiled as I hopped off the final step.

"Thanks cal" I giggled, throwing my arms around his neck "I'll see you in 5 days okay"

"Have a great trip Apple-" he said, as he nuzzled his head further into my collarbone "I'll miss you" he continued sweetly

"I'll miss you too" I replied in awe, pulling away from the hug, and moving my body over to Michael were I again held him close, asking him to be careful with his diet choices whilst I was gone-I was usually the person that told Michael off for his junk food diets, and often made him eat a piece of fruit to balance out his eating habits abit.

Whilst hugging Ashton, I whispered for him to look after Georgie for me,  especially if she was going to be getting drunk whilst in my absence, I knew she could be vulnerable. He confirmed my instruction humorously, and wished me a 'happy departing day'

I then moved on to Georgie, which was the hug that was probably most emotional- she held me tight and repeated the phrase "I'm going to miss you so much" on several occasions, she acted as if I was leaving for a life trip-rather than a 5 day one, however after being together basically every day for the last 9 months-I figured she had a reason to be emotional.

After pulling away from Georgie I scanned the large hallway-searching for my absent boyfriend

"Luke?" I called, expecting him to run out from the kitchen with a strawberry lace dangling from his lip, or to run from upstairs with his guitar smashing against his lap-realising I was about to leave.

"Apple-" Michael began, a serious tone lingering in his voice

I looked in confusion at the group

"Where's Luke?" I asked fearfully

"We don't know-" Michael began "he kinda just left this morning-whilst you were packing -I have no idea where he is, I'm so sorry he's not here to say goodbye Apple"

My facial expression dropped,  why would Luke just leave without even saying goodbye to me? He knew my flight was today and he knew the times, he booked the god damn thing, it was only a 5 day trip-but I expected my boyfriend to be here to wish me a safe flight, or to seem even the slightest bit bothered that he wasn't going to see me in days, it hurt my feelings massively-maybe he didn't care about me as much as I thought

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