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I was inquisitive as to what Luke was planning, his broad voice ringing in my head "let's just get away for awhile" he had said-what did that even mean.

I asked him a few questions regarding his statement-but he refused to answer them, continuing to tell me that I was to meet him at the car in just a few minutes time.

I walked through the back entrance of the home, leaving Luke in the garden where he was supposedly going to head straight to the car via a gate that was at the side of the Hollywood mansion.

I ran upstairs, and as instructed, grabbed the two blankets that were placed on the end of my bed-it at first being quite a struggling task due to my small height- I then swooped my two pillows under each of my arms "just incase" and steadily began to walk back downstairs

I headed towards the front door and pulled it open "can you please just tell me what's going on" I giggled, stepping down from a small step onto the driveway pavement. I peered over the blankets that were once blocking my view, and as I did so, I could just about see that Luke had just finished lowering the two back seats-that transformed the car into a 7 seater optionally-down, creating a huge boot space

He giggled as he saw me- probably because of the sheer struggle I was facing by carrying the mass amount of blanket material-and ignored my question

"Whack them in there" he said merrily -probably pointing at the boot as I stood puzzlingly at his feet.

With his help- I tossed the blankets into the back space of the car, soon noticing that there was also a large picnic basket sitting neatly inside it.

"Luke what are we doing?" I asked again

"Can you stop asking that" Luke chuckled

"I'm curious!" I insisted, as I again examined the boot space of the car

"I know!" Luke laughed playfully, as he clicked a button on his keys that caused the boot of the car to close manually, as he looked back at me, I shot him a puppy dog eye expression, telepathically pleading him to reveal his plans

"I just want to get you away from all this shit- I can tell this whole thing has been eating you up Apple- and I don't like it" he said with a serious tone "We could both really do with a break from society right now- let's just get away for a while- go somewhere we wouldn't normally- just because we can" he beamed, grabbing hold of my hand as he finnished

A massive smile made itself known on my lips

"Ok! Let's do it!" I said in an enthusiastic tone, although I was still quizzical of exactly what we were going to be doing, I genuinely enjoying the sound of Luke's plan to just do the unknown and escape from civilisation "I'll just go tell the guys" I said, letting go of Luke's hand that he was still holding gently as I turned towards the house

"No" Luke laughed "come on-let's just go-no phones-no people asking what we're doing" he said "anyway-with us both gone they'll soon realise we're together" he assured me

I smiled again at the way he was trying to break me away from the outside world-and he grabbed hold of my hand for the second time, planting a kiss on my head

"Now please-just get in the car" he chuckled.

I smiled again, pulling away from Luke as I headed towards the passenger seat car door

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