Paranormal activity

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The pizza that I promised had been delivered, and I had changed out of the swimwear (at least that of it that had managed to remain on my body) and into a pair of comfy leggings and an oversized grey shirt, my hair was thrown into a bun, and delicate messy curls dangled from certain parts of the hair style, still a little wet from when I had been outside in the pool. I was now gathered around a marble island work top in the kitchen with Georgie and the boys surrounding me as we enjoyed the pepperoni delight Infront of us. The boys were in the middle of conversation, discussing their favourite films

"-but I still think teenage mutant ninja turtles was the best iv seen, that or the Lego movie" Michael informed us, as he tilted his head slightly, and allowed the pizza slice to enter his mouth

Ashton and Calum agreed with him via mumbling and nodding gestures "Amen to that" Ashton afterwards replied

"I've got to disagree with you there fellas" Luke argued, his Australian accent sounding broader than usual "mean girls wins every time"

Me and Georgie chuckled, me having to cover my mouth to hide the chewed up food that was inside it

"Amen to that" I laughed, after I swallowed, imitating Ashton's previous words in his accent, he seemed to have the strongest Australian accent out of the four, meaning the 'aye' in 'amen' was particularly easy to replicate

The boys mocked my attempt at the strong accent, and seemed to find it highly amusing as they poked fun at it for a good couple of minutes with Georgie, who was by this time searching through a small box of DVDs in a living area close to the kitchen.

I had also grown up in Sydney, just like the boys, however the constant travelling as part of my job meant that I was slowly developing mixtures of an English/American one

"Your loosing your roots" Luke joked, emphasising the fact that I could hardly even speak my own accent anymore

I giggled, reaching to pick up another piece of pizza from the box, before holding it infront of my lips as I took a quick inhale of the smell that invaded my nostrils so warmly

"Oh my god chuck this film out right now" Georgie suddenly squeeled, she was covering her eyes with one hand, and holding out a DVD with the other

I put down the slice of pizza and wiped the edges of my mouth with my finger, before strolling over to where she was positioned with an amused grin on my face, it taking me only a few steps to reach her, I took the dvd case from her grip, as she stared up at me from the floor with a puppy like expression wiped across her face

The boys were looking over to the scene confused

I examined the box that the disc was being held in, an inside gasp made me feel nauseous

"Yeah let's just throw this out" I agreed, holding in the fear I had from even touching the case of the DVD, it was embarrassing to still be this scared of a film at 19 years old, so I tried to seem calm to avoid suspicion and possible taunting, I began to head over to the bin, however was halted by Michael who gripped both of my shoulders, a piece of pizza dangling from his mouth, he took the case that held the DVD from my hands, before glaring at it and bursting into fits of laughter

"Wait are you serious? Your 19 years old and still scared of paranormal activity? I used to watch this at slumber parties" He laughed

"Yes I'm serious" I mumbled, trying to grab the DVD back from Michael's clutch and failing miserably due to his giant-like height, after hearing that me and Georgie wanted to throw away a scary film, the other boys also began to chuckle at the scene aswell

"I- we just don't like that kind of thing" I attempted to justify

"Little Apple and Georgie afraid of ghosty whosties?" Calum chirped in childishly

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