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"Oh my god, Karlie. Are you here!?" I heard someone ask me loudly as I opened my eyes and looked into her light blue ones.

"What.." I mumbled. "What the hell are you doing here?"

I was laying on the couch in my living room and Taylor was sitting next to me.

"I.. uhmm.. came in to check if you were okay. I uhmm.. felt that something was wrong." She said, looking down at me.

"What happened?" I asked the blonde.

"You fell." She simply stated.

"I fell?" I wondered out loud, closing my eyes again to think about what happened.

Taylor and me walking into my street. Taylor looking beautiful in that faint moonlight. Okay no, focus Karlie.

Taylor wanting to leave. Taylor scratching my hand open. Me walking inside my house. Me falling randomly onto the ground. Taylor being in my house out of nowhere.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, my voice uncertain.

"You.. uhmm left the door open." Taylor said, her blue eyes shining even in the faint light that is lighting up my small living room.

"You're strange." I blurted out. She looked shocked at me then.

"Im sorry. Are you still angry?" She asked then, looking down at her hands. I felt bad for her, even though she is the one who hurt me and not the other way around.

"I.. uhmm I just find it a bit weird. Like the whole scratching thing." I explained. She looked up again.

"Sorry. I wish I could explain, Karlie." She said softly while looking into my eyes.

"Explain it to me then?" I asked while looking into those light blue eyes.

"I cant..." She said then, getting up from the couch. "I have to go." She continued as she stood beside the couch now and looked down at me. "I think the wound on your hand will be okay. Its not full moon.. uhmm it doesn't look infected."

Did she just say 'full moon'?

"But Taylor, I.." I started.

"Karlie, I'm going. Ill see you around, maybe." She said strictly, her blue eyes looking sad.

"Okay.." I said as she'd already left the room and was walking into the hallway now.

The door slammed shut and I was alone again. I decided to walk over to my bedroom and fell into a deep sleep immediately.


I opened my eyes and felt that they were burning. I blinked a few times to get rid of unpleasant feeling,  but it stayed there even after five minutes of me ridiculously blinking. Getting up from my bed, I decided to get into the shower, get ready and make myself a nice breakfast after. It was Saturday morning and I didn't plan on doing anything specific.

I walked into the bathroom, put the shower on, stripped out of my clothes and let the warm water relax my body as I stepped into the steamy cabin. I hadn't really taken a look at that cut on my hand yet, that Taylor created. I held my hand up and saw that the cut was completely gone.

"How?" I mumbled as I blinked a few times more to correctly see my hand and its outlines. My vision was quite blurry this day but I knew for sure that there was not a single sign of a cut or what so ever on my hand.

'Was it all a dream?' I found myself thinking.

"No it couldn't have been a dream."

I washed my body with some soap and did the same with my hair, before getting out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me as I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I was starving and had a particular hunger for bacon or something like that. Im vegetarian though so that was kind of a weird feeling.

Growl -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now