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"How is the pain?"

"Karlie, please stop asking. Im fine."


"I.. I.. Im sorry.. I was just wonderi- I don't know.." I mumbled, looking away from her and gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter. I could feel my cheeks started to become red.

Did I say something wrong?

It stayed silent for a long while then, the rain on the windows the only sound around. It had started to get dark outside and the only lights vissible, were the car's headlights and some street lights that sometimes appeared from the darkness.

"Im sorry." I heard Taylor mumble. I looked at her but she was 'staring' out of the window, presumably still not seeing anything.

"Its okay." I said softly, now looking out of the window and at the dark road ahead if us again.

"Its just.." She started. "Im really scared and stressed and sad and.. ughhh.." She let out a deep breath. "I just want us to be okay. I just wish everything was different."

I put my hand on hers and gave it a little squeeze.

"Im here." I said, not knowing anything else reassuring to say. She squeezed my hand then, sadness still present on her face though.

"What time is it? Where are we driving?" She asked then, looking in my direction.

"7pm. Were like 150 miles away from Den Valley still." I answered, still holding her hand.

"I.. Im hungry.. Would you mind to stop somewhere to eat something?" She asked, her voice soft as if she was embarrassed.

"Im.. Im a bit scared that were being chased or something. But I mean we can make a quick stop at a restaurant somewhere if you want to?" I said, focussing on the signs next to the empty road to see if there were any restaurants close by.

Taylor chuckled a bit then, squeezing my hand again.

"What?" I asked, smiling at her.

"I.. I actually meant if you could stop the car here for a bit so I could hunt for like a rabbit or something."

I coughed. "A.. A rabbit? Taylor.. Ew.."

"Come on Karls, Im so hungry.." She wined dramatically, pouting at me.

"What am I supposed to eat then?" I asked, my hand holding tightly onto her warm one.

She smiled then. "I mean, I can hunt for two rabbits? Or we can share one."

"Taylor.." I warned, my lips curved in a small smile however.

"Okay okay miss vegetarian wolf. You brought some cookies and an apple right? Tadaa, dinner for you." She said wisely, pointing at the backseat.

"Are you kidding.." I said, pouting at her this time but soon realizing the poor girl was still practically blind.

"How much can you see now?" I asked suddenly, some excitement in my voice as I was hoping that she could see a little more than before.

"The world is one big blur.." She sighed. "But I can see when were passing a traffic light. And I can see when a person is standing or like sitting close to me." She explained, sounding a little relieved.

"Good. Small steps."

"Small steps." She smiled. "And now please let me hunt for like five minutes? I promise ill be back soon and you can just lock the doors and eat your apple or something."

Growl -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now