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"Were almost there, right?" I asked the two running creatures while panting heavily. We stopped then, all standing still in the middle of this unknown forest. Cara leaned against a big tree and was grinning at me.

"We've only ran for about half an hour, dear." She said, raising an eyebrow at me. "Taylor?" She said then, motioning Taylor to come closer to her. Taylor was at first, looking up at the sky which seemed to turn darker and darker with every second that passed. She then looked at Cara strangely and made her way over to her.

"What?" I heard her whisper to the vampire girl. My curiosity took over then and I stepped closer to the pair. Neither of them seemed to noticed as I tried to hear what the two girls were talking about.

"Are you really sure she's your match?" Cara whispered at Taylor.

"Of course I am Cara." I heard Taylor reply annoyedly. "I scratched her and she became wolf, what else do you think it is?"

Cara shrugged her shoulders then, it seemed to be a habit of hers. "You do know what that means though right, she's the-?" She asked Taylor, her voice even softer then before. I had to take another step closer to the pair to even hear it. A branch cracked underneath my foot then and made a loud sound. Both girls immediately turned around to face me and looked at me suspiciously.

'Well?' I thought. 'What does it mean?'

Taylor looked me straight in the eyes then, reading my thought of course.

'Stop being so secretive Taylor. Just tell me whats going on.' I thought, hoping she would get the hint and talk to me. She did seem to have gotten it since her big blue eyes were now staring right into my green ones.

Cara awkwardly cleared her throat then and said: "Well then, lets go." She already took a few steps in the right direction but Taylor and I didn't move just yet.

"Cara." Taylor said, her voice small. "Can you give us.. uhmm a moment."

"Fine.." Cara sighed. "Don't make it too long though." And with that, she shot up in the air with a rapid speed and disappeared from our sight.

"What was that about?" I asked sharply, making Taylor's eyes wonder to the ground this time.

"Wh.. What?" Taylor asked, playing dumb, playing with her fingers.

"What does it mean that I am your match now? Isn't that just because you scratched me?"

She looked into my eyes again then. "Its kinda difficult to explain."

I leaned against that same big tree that Cara had been leaning on and said: "Well for now, we've got some time." I didn't mean to sound so angry, I did though.

"You being my match means.." She started, but I interrupted her.

"It has something to do with Diana huh?"

She opened and closed her mouth for a couple of times then and eventually just nodded after a while of silence.

"Okay, please continue." I said then, my voice less harsh this time.

"So Diana was my first ever match." She said, looking at me with those blue orbs. I nodded. "I explained you before, that when both matches 'connect' with one another, they will most likely stay together forever. That also means that they will never have another match again."

"So this is just about sex then? I mean if you and Di-"

"What? Karlie, no. Its not only about this sex. When two matches connect, there is a whole ceremony thing for that. I think its comparable with marrying someone in the human world." Taylor explained, stepping closer to me while talking. Her cheeks were slightly red. "When you have had the ceremony, you're 'connected' for life. There wont be another match."

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