...Twenty three...

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Im standing still in a dark room but cant move my legs to run towards the blonde I love. She is looking in my direction with a panicked expression on her face. She opens her mouth and another loud, terrifying scream sounds through the dark room.


I watch how a dark figure walks towards the blonde and cringe when Taylor receives a punch in the stomach. She grunts in pain and yet again, I try so hard to lift my feet off the ground and run towards the girl. I cant though, i'm nailed to the ground. The figure appears again, wearing a biker's helmet, and its then that I realise its all a dream.


"Karls? Are you okay?" Taylor asks, looking at me with worried, blue eyes.

I let out a deep breath. "Yeah.." I mumble. "Yeah.. yeah im okay."

"You were screaming my name. Nightmares?" Taylor asks, sitting up in the bed and still staring at me with wide eyes. I must have woken her up with my screaming, she must have felt really scared.

"Yeah.." I mumble, rubbing my eyes. "Im sorry if I scared you." I reach out for her hand and pull her towards me. "Come here." I say, kissing the top of her head as she lays down beside me.

"I was scared." Taylor mumbles, her voice soft.

"I know. Its okay though, you're safe."

"I hope." She mumbles before she dozes off the sleep again.

''hope so too' I think to myself as I take another deep breath and close my eyes.


The next morning Taylor and I wake up because of Cara who jumps on our bed at 9am and starts shouting "MORNING LOVE BIRDS, WAKE UP. IM HUNGRY, I WANNA HUNT WITH THE BLONDE WOLF!"

"Ughhhhh.." Taylor and I groan at the same time.

"Sorry for her." Selena's voice sounds. "You know how she can be in the morning. Ive had to stop her form barging into your room from like 7am."

"Im just hungryyyy!" Cara says, a wide smile on her face. "Come on, when was the last time we went for a proper hunt? Aren't you excited?"

"So excited." Taylor says sarcastically, her head hiding underneath the blankets. I giggle at her dryness.

"Come on, lets go. Lets go!" Cara says, poking Taylor through the blankets.

"Fine!" Taylor groans. "Just give me a few minutes, bloodsucker."

"Gosh, you're not much better than before we destroyed that damn crown are you?" Cara says, smirking, knowing she'll get a reaction from the tall, blonde woman laying next to me.
"Get. Out. Of. The. Room." Taylor's muffled voice sounds. "Now."

"Okay, okay. Grump."

Selena and I share a laugh at the exchange before the pair leaves our room and leaves us alone. 

"Gotta love her." I say, nudging Taylor and lifting the blankets up right after. She looks at me with her two blue eyes, no smile to be seen on her face. "Oh come on." I say, laughing at her now.

"Karlie, this was the best sleep I've had in years." She says. "And it was still too short."

"You've slept for about 12 hours straight." I say, leaning in for a kiss right after. Our lips connect immediately and she relaxes under my touch. I lay down on top of her, making her gasp when our lips disconnect for a mere second.

"What is it?" I ask, a smirk on my face.

 She shakes her head no. "N- Nothing.." She mumbles, her eyes still trained on my lips. I let out a low laugh before pressing our lips back together. She moves her hands towards the back of my neck and pulls me even closer. I place one leg in between hers, laying my full bodyweight down on her.

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