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I was walking back home through the creepy forrest. Taylor and I had trained for about three weeks now and I was getting better and better in controlling my wildenings. Also I learned a lot about wolf habits and things like that. Taylor was a great teacher, plus she was really sweet.. and pretty.. and just so nice. I am glad I met her, I really am. I smiled at the thought of the blonde girl and felt my cheeks turn red.

I was quickly making my way trough the woods, when I heard a cracking sound right behind me. I turned around quickly.


There was no answer of course. As if she would answer.

"Taylor. You have to stop doing this. You're creeping the fuck out of me." I said, looking around me, shining with my phone into the darkness. A dark shadow moved behind a tree.

"Taylor. Just stop." I said, my voice shaking more than I expected. The shadow moved from behind the tree and stepped towards me. It had a black hood on so I couldn't see the face of the person underneath it.

"What are you doing here? Pretty girl?" The person said.

Okay this is definitely not Taylor.

"And why do you know Taylor?" The deep voice asked, walking closer to me.

"Im.. Im.. just gonna go." I stuttered while turning around and walking away quickly.

"You're not." The deep voice growled.

I started running then, my body completely overtaken by panic. I heard quick footsteps behind me, making my mind panic even more.

"Fuck." I mumbled while running away quickly, not looking behind me. I then felt a strong grip on my shoulder.

"What do you want?!" I shouted at the person. But he remained silent and pulled his hood down. I fell onto the ground and stared into his blue eyes. His shining blue eyes.

"You're.. you're a wolf." I mumbled, my eyes wide and eyebrows raised.

He smirks. "Smart girl. Now what are you doing here in this area huh?"

"Oh I.. uhmm I was just taking a walk. Walking home. Yeah. Just walking home." I stuttered.

"Did you visit someone?" The guy asked, not looking at me but at his sharp and dirty looking nails.

"Why.. uhmm why are you asking?" I said, while trying to get on my feet again.

"Sit." The guy said, putting his hand on my shoulder again and looking at me angrily. "Who did you visit?"

"A friend."

"Give me a name, girl."

"T.. uhmm..Ta.." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Tell me!" The guy shouted loudly, his face angry now and his eyes red.

"Taylor!" I shout. The red in his eyes disappeared quickly as he smirked at me now.

"Taylor. My friend. Shes my friend. You know.. uhmm gal pals." I stuttered, looking into his eyes. They were darker than Taylor's. Angrier. I certainly didn't like his eyes.

"Friends with Taylor?" The guy asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yep." I answered, still sitting on the cold, moistly ground. The guy was still pressing his hand, hard on my shoulder.

"How odd." He said then, finally letting me go. I quickly get up my feet and turn around to walk away.

"Well it was nice to meet you." I said, quickly passing trough the forest.

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