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December 23th.

"Yo, get your ass outta bed." I hear someone say. I don't even have to open my eyes to know who it is. "Were leaving."

I open my eyes to see Cara disappear in the hallway. Im still laying in bed but try to sit up as quickly as possible. My back hurts a lot however since the vampire girl pushed me down the stairs last night. I try to stretch my body out but flinch when noticing how much it actually hurts. I havent thought about it before I went to bed but now I was definitely feeling it.

"You okay?" Another voice asks. It was Selena, she looks at me with a concerned look on her face.

"Yea- Yeah its fine. Im fine." I say, not wanting to let her know that Cara hurt me the night before. "Just.. uhmm overstretched my back.. I guess."

"Oh okay." She replies, smiling a small smile at me when disappearing out of the doorway.

I get up from the bed then, stretching my long limbs out once more while trying to ignore the pain. I walk over to my closet, get a big backpack out, and start packing some clothes into it. When finished, I walk over to the bathroom and get ready there. I decide on washing myself quickly instead of showering, so we can leave as fast as possible.

I wear a grey long sleeved t-shirt with some black jeans underneath it. I don't apply any makeup, not wanting to take the time for that now and leave the bathroom after brushing my teeth. On my way downstairs, I grab my packed backpack and greet the two girls in the kitchen.

"You don't have anything normal to eat." Cara comments, instead of saying 'good morning'. "Do you live on fucking yoghurt and cereal?"

"Sorry, I didn't do any grocery shopping in a while." I mumble, sitting down at the kitchen table where Selena puts down some milk, cereal and a cup of tea for me. "Thank you."

"Good I hunted last night. Wouldn't be able to eat this shit." Cara continues when I start pouring some milk on my cereal.

"Well, lucky you." I reply, not able to take her grumpy comments any longer. I look up at her and look into her angry, blue eyes. She raises one eyebrow and sits down across of me.

"Whats that? No beer for breakfast?'' She asks then, purposely wanting to get on my nerves.

"Cara.." Selena warns, who is packing her own bag in the living room.

"Nope." I reply, still keeping eye contact with the vampire.

"Thats new." She replies, an evil grin on her face as she shrugs her shoulders. I decide to keep my frustration in and start eating my cereal. "By the way.." She continues. "What happened to 'scared of vampires Karlie'." She air quotes a few words and keeps on smiling at me.

"Nothing to be scared of anymore. Not of those kinda things anyway." I say, my mouth full with cereal and milk.

"Oh is that so?" Cara says then, het smile turning upside down as she gets up from her chair and walks towards me. Selena jumps in between us though, as I just sit there, eating my cereal.

"Are you done?" Selena hisses at Cara who is still looking at me with those angry eyes.

"For now.." The vampire girl mumbles as she steps backwards and out of the kitchen. "Were leaving in five!'' She shouts then, opening the front door and closing it again with a loud bang.

"God, she hates me." I mumble, swallowing my last few bites of food and getting up from the chair too.

"She will cool-" Selena tried.

"No, I get her actually. I hate myself for what I've done too. Or well, for what I havent done." I say, explaining myself as I put the dishes away.

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