...Twenty two...

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"So you're not going to be a grumpy bitch towards us anymore now, Tay?" Cara asks, smiling at the blonde. Were sitting at a restaurant close to Tanody forest, where we have destroyed the crown a few hours before.

"Well hopefully. I don't really feel.. like a huge difference yet." Taylor says, taking a sip of her wine. The four of us had decided to celebrate our completed and succeeded mission.

Selena shoots Taylor an apologetic look. 

"It comes back in little phases Taylor." She says. "No worries, you should be fine in no time."

Taylor flashes Selena a small smile, which is returned immediately. I did notice change in Taylor's behaviour immediately and have noticed already that the girl is feeling better than before. Its like a little piece of Taylor crawls back into her own body every second now.

"You're already doing way better, baby." I say, taking the blonde's hand in mine and stroking the back of it with my thumb. "Look, you're not attacking me."

Taylor's smile grows wider then. "Yeah, thats true, baby." She says softly. I giggle, glad to have my girlfriend back. Finally, after 5 whole years.

"Wow, that waitress is hot as fuck." Cara says, pointing at one of the many waitresses walking around in the small restaurant. I giggle and don't even turn around to see who the vampire is pointing at, knowing she finds almost every human being attractive.

"Hey!" Selena says, slapping Cara's arm. 

"What?" Cara says, rubbing her arm with a smile on her face. "I can look. Im only looking. Come on, you can see that she's hot. I was only observ-"

"Yeah, yeah." Selena says with a smile on her face. I quickly share some eye contact with Taylor, who nods in their direction, probably wanting me to ask about them.

"Sooo..." I say, dragging the word out while trying to start the conversation. "What is going on between the two of you?" I ask quickly, looking at both Cara and Selena at the same time. The two of them stare at me with big eyes and remain quiet for a while before Cara stutters: "Well.. we.. we.. ehmm.. we.."

Selena takes Cara's hand in hers then. "Were together." She says, a grin on her face as she does so. "For a while now actually."

"How long?" Taylor gasps enthusiastically a smile matching Selena's on her face. Cara turns bright red and it looks like she wants to sink through the ground and disappear from the conversation.

"Five months." Selena says, that same big smile still on her face.

"What?!" Taylor and I say at the same time. "No way."

"Well, we didn't really wanna tell you guys since you were all like sad and stuff so well we kinda kept it a secret and this one here didn't want to tell anyone either yet." Selena points at Cara, who's cheeks are as red as the reddest tomato on earth.

"Why didn't you wanna tell me?" Taylor says, leaning over the table to punch the vampire's arm.

"I don't know.." Cara says, not looking us in the eye. "Its just that.. its kind of a scandal in like the whole vampire community when you are a match with a werewolf and so I-"

"WOAH WHAT?!" Taylor exclaims. "You're matches?!"

Selena laughs nervously and Cara looks like she has just stopped breathing. "Shhh!" She manages to get out of her mouth. "Not so loud you dumbass."

"How did you find out?" I ask, amused by the situation and somehow already expecting it. Cara takes a big gulp of her wine and puts the glass back down on the table forcefully. Taylor on the other hand, lifts her glass of the table with delicacy and takes a sip before gracefully placing it back on the table. I take a sip of my own glass of water and watch all the women carefully.

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