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It was 1:30am now and we were still on our way to Coletown. I was driving as fast as I could without being arrested and was also keeping an eye on the beautiful blonde girl sitting beside me. She had closed her eyes about half an hour ago and was sleeping peacefully now. We hadn't really talked, since talking only made her pain worse.

The wound on her side was still bleeding and I told her to put pressure on it with her hand. She had agreed with that but had fallen asleep then. I just hoped she wasnt loosing too much blood.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived in Coletown. I drove past the train station and tried to find my way back to Selena's house.

"Where the fuck is it?" I whispered angrily after driving around for a while. It was pitch black in these streets and all of them looked the same.

"Take a left here." I heard Taylor's weak voice say then. I looked over to her, her skin was really pale and she looked like she was about to pass out. "And another left here."

"Taylor? Are you okay?"

"No." She answered, closing her eyes again. I grabbed her hand and took it in mine, she was so cold.

"Oh please Selena. Be here." I whispered.

And there she was. No I'm not kidding. She was suddenly standing in the middle of the street and I had to break really hard to not drive right over her.

"Holy shit!" I said loudly. Taylor didn't even respond and just sat in her seat, asleep or passed out, I dont even know. I got out of the car, ran over to Taylor's side and got her out of the car, which stood literally in the middle of the road.

"What the fuck happened!?" Selena shouted, running over to Taylor and I, and helping me to carry the blonde out of the car.

"She was attacked by a classic werewolf." I said quickly. We both lifted her out of the car.

"Inside. Now." Selena said, leading the way while carrying Taylor with me.


"Will she be okay?" I asked the dark haired girl as soon as taylor laid on couch in the living room. Selena completely ignored me and ran to the kitchen. I kneeled down next to Taylor and took her hand in mine, she was still ice-cold and her eyes were still closed. "Please be okay." I whispered softly before Selena returned.

"Whats that?" I asked, when seeing her come back with some kind of needle and injection stuff. She ignored me again and pushed me away so that she could reach Taylor's arm. She prepared something and put it in a small tube. She then sucked the, green colored fluid up with a needle and tapped it a few times.

"What are you doing?" I asked then. She looked over at me annoyedly then. "Wolf stuff Karlie!" She replied while still tapping the needle and the fluid.

"Sorry." I mumbled. She rolled up Taylor's sleeves and put the needle in her upper arm. She then injected the fluid into Taylor's body and pulled the needle out again.

"Please get some blankets, she feels cold." She then said, running to the kitchen again. I did as she said, mentally punching myself for not thinking of getting blankets for her before. I ran up the stairs, got some blankets and ran back downstairs.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I shouted loudly as I saw Selena now cutting into Taylor's side with a sharp knife.

"Shhh, I have to focus Karlie." She said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"She is loosing so much blood already. Stop!" I shouted, running over to her and dropping the blankets on the floor and kneeling down next to Selena.

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