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"Miss.." A deep voice said.

I opened my eyes quickly, not recognizing this voice.

"Oh.. Im sorry." I apologized as soon as I saw that it was the train conductor. I must have fallen asleep.

He looked at me with a weird expression on his face and held his hand out for my ticket. I quickly got the piece of paper out of my pocket and let him put a stamp on it. I was sitting in a separate cabin without any other people. I needed some privacy and calmness.

The man gave me my ticket back and closed the door of the small cabin again. I saw how he walked away, his face bored and annoyed. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and got my phone out of my pocket. "4:32pm, that means I'm almost there." I mumbled to myself.

I looked to the map on the wall which said all the train stations and saw that there was only one other stop until Yadeville. The train was already slowing down for the stop and I got my stuff together. I looked out of the window and saw that small drops of rain filled the glass. The train cracked loudly and came to a complete stop. A few people exited the train before it closed its rusty doors again and drove away with a loud honk on the horn.

I put my black coat on over my sweater and got ready to get out, since the next stop would be mine. I got up from the uncomfortable bench and stretched out my long limbs while yawning loudly.

"Someone is tired." A voice said. It was a female voice that I didn't know yet and so I turned around to see where it came from. A blonde girl was standing in the doorway of the small cabin I was sitting in. I think she was about the same age as me. Her hair was blonde and her eyes blue, like Taylor's. The difference between hers and Taylor's though, was that this girl's eyes, weren't shining. And well, I liked Taylor's eyes more.

'A normal human. Its a miracle.' I thought to myself.

"Yes, didn't get so much sleep." I said to the girl, who was smiling at me. She was pretty, she was. But not as pretty as Taylor. God, I miss her..

"Where are you getting out?" The girl asked. Her teeth were really white as she smiled at me. She got her black purse off of the ground and swung it over her shoulder. She was wearing a simple white shirt with a grey jacket over it.

"Yadeville." I answered. "You?" I asked curiously.

"Me too." She smiled. "Im Toni." She said then, sticking her hand out to shake mine, and so we did. "Toni Garrn."

"Karlie." I said. "Kloss." She held onto my hand for a bit too long in my opinion but well, I smiled at the girl, got my stuff of the ground and wanted to leave the cabin.

"What is a girl like you going to do in a small town like Yadeville?" Toni asked curiously, stepping out of my way and letting me through.

"Oh I.. I just like traveling." I lied. Walking towards the train doors.

"Oh. Cool." She replied, following me closely. The train made a loud cracking sound and started slowing down.

"And you?" I decided to ask. "You don't seem like a small village girl to me either."

"Oh I have a small vacation house there. You know, to get away from the city." She replied easily.

"Okay, nice." I said, closing the buttons of my coat. I felt her eyes staring me down.

"You can stay at mine if you want to." She said then, her voice seductive while she touched my arm softly.

"Oh..I..I don't kn.." I started stuttering, looking down at my hands and starting to blush

Growl -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now