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I open my eyes and sit up immediately. It was the same nightmare again. The same nightmare I have had every single night since.. that day, five years ago.

I turn my nightlight on and start staring at the ceiling like I do every single night when waking up.

"Five years.." I sigh. I cant believe it that today exactly, December the third, it has been five years since I have last seen her. The love of my life.

I close my eyes again and shake my head a little, trying to get the terrifying images out of my head. The images of her laying there, bleeding on the ground, telling me to 'go home'.

'But what is home?' I find myself thinking. 'What is home when one single person is all you have. What if she is my home?' A tear falls down my cheek. I don't even notice the tears anymore, I have become immune to crying. It has become a normal, daily routine where random tears would just come falling down my face. I turn my nightlight off again and turn around to lay on my side.

'What if she's.. dead.' Another tear rolls down my cheek and just like every night, I find myself thinking of the girl I love so much. The girl I miss so much.

"Where are you?" I say out loud. "Taylor, where are you!?"

I punch the pillow hard, hoping it will take some of my sadness away. I sigh deeply when it doesn't. It never does. 'God, what must the neighbours think, hearing me scream every night' I sit up again, turn the nightlight back on and throw the blankets off me. Sweeping my legs off the bed, I grab my phone off the nightstand to check the time. 04:02AM.

I get up from the bed, walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Heading over to the kitchen, I bump my toe into an open standing drawer, groan angrily and grab a bottle of beer from the fridge. I sit down on one of the kitchen chairs I had once sat on with her. With Taylor.

'Why did I leave her behind?' Is the one question I keep on asking myself out loud ever since that one day.

''Yeah Karlie, why did you leave her behind?'' I ask myself angrily, rubbing my painful toe in the meantime and taking a sip of my beer with the other hand.

"Why did you leave the love of your life behind, you loser?'' I angrily put the bottle down on the table and cross my arms. Its cold. Im only in my oversized pyjama shirt and my underwear while a thick layer of snow is covering the streets of Wadeson. Winters haven't changed much the last five years. Neither has my life really. I pretty much still have the same life as before. Well the same as before her then.

I work at the oh so horrible Mc Donald's two days a week, go to school for four days and sit home for the rest of the time. Oh, I turned 23 a while ago. I spend my time thinking a lot. About, well you know, her.

'Will she ever come back? She said that she would see me later. What is later?'

I take another few gulps from the cold beer and sit back with my arms still crossed, shielding me from the cold. At least, thats what they're supposed to do. Im still freezing though. And Im embarrassed of myself just sitting there in the middle of the night, drinking a beer. Drinking a bottle of beer is like drinking a glass lemonade these days. I like the hard stuff more, it makes me forget how useless everything is, but I don't have enough money for that shit and so I just drink my cheap ass beer.

'Is she still alive?' Is the question that keeps on ringing in my head. A few tears roll down my cheeks again. 'She cant be dead. She.. cant be..'

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