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"Karlie, wake up. Dinner is ready in like 15 minutes." Taylor says softly into my ear. She is already sitting up on the couch and swinging her legs off of it. "Im going to take a shower." She says then, walking over to the small bathroom that Cara's den provides. I watch her as she walks out of the living room, into a tiny hallway. She looks unhappy.

I sigh, sitting up on the couch too. Its already 6pm, which means Taylor and I have slept all day. I see Selena standing in the kitchen from where I sit and to my surprise, Cara is there too, sitting on one of the chairs. She still looks a bit pale but loads better than this morning. Suddenly her eyes shoot in my direction. "Hey, she's awake." I hear her say and she smiles a small smile at me. 'I think I have proven my worth now.' I think, since the girl is now again nice to me, like before all of the shit that has happend the past couple of years.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Selena asks, her head popping out of the corner of the kitchen. She is stirring some soup at the same time. 

"Im okay." I reply with a small smile on my face. The two girls focus on each other again then, and so I get up to go to the toilet. My bladder feels like I havent peed for ages and so I storm into the bathroom, totally forgetting Taylor was just taking the shower.

"KARLIE!" She yells as I am now standing in front of a very naked blue eyed girl.. or well.. woman. Definitely a woman.

"Oh my god. Im sorry!" I say, immediately turning around to let her cover herself.

"You knew I was taking a shower!" She hisses angrily. I hear her grabbing a towel out of one of the drawers and turn around again.

"Sorry. I had to pee so badly that I forgot." I say, sheepishly scratching the back of my neck. I look into her blue eyes, which are of course shining at me. They look quite angry though and so I choose to look down to ground instead of at Taylor, who lets out a deep sigh.

"Im.. I.." She stutters. "Im gonna get dressed." She passes me and walks towards the bathroom door. I cant help but wonder why she is constantly so angry at everything and everyone around her. I follow her with my eyes and notice then, that she has a big, purple bruise on her left collarbone and in between her shoulder blades on her back.

"Tay, who gave you those bruises?" I ask the blonde who is quickly stepping out of the bathroom while stuttering: "Oh, yesterday.. yeah in the fights with the guards I.. uhh must have.. I don't know." She disappears out of the doorway and closes the door rather hard and fast.

I stand there, stunned by these new revelations. "It was him." I mumble before I use the toilet, shower quickly and get out of the bathroom. I feel bad for her, bad for all the time she had to spend with that evil asshole. Everyone is already sitting at the dining table when I walk in. "Sorry. I just.. wanted to take a shower." I say, quickly locking eyes with Taylor who is staring at me with those sad, blue eyes.

"No problem girl." Selena says, putting a big pan on the table. Its filled with tomato soup, I think, and smells delicious.

"It smells so good." I comment, making Selena smile at me while she starts filling four bowls with the soup.

"Oh well, we have to live with what we have, guys. Soup for today and maybe tomorrow again since it seems that Cara here only has cans of soup in this cabin and nothing else." Selena says, smiling widely while giving everyone a bowl and sitting back down.

"Excuse me, im not much of a human food eater you know. Im more like a human eater." Cara says, making Selena and I laugh as she laughs at her own joke. Taylor sits there in silence however, blowing into her hot bowl of soup.

Everyone eats their dinner while making some easy conversation with one another and about half an hour later I stand up to do the dishes. Taylor comes to stand next to me to probably help me. The other two girls mysteriously leave and go to Cara's bedroom.

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