...Twenty one...

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"Karlie, oh my god.."

"Mhmmh.." I mumble, slowly opening my eyes. I feel a sharp pain running from my shoulders, all the way to the top of my head.

"Did.. did I.. do that?" I hear Taylor ask softly. I still have my eyes closed but I know she is looking at me. She touches my face with her cold fingers and traces the line of my jaw. I open my eyes slowly then and see her sad blue eyes staring at me. "Oh god, im so sorry.." She whispers, staring at my neck.

"Do you re-" I start my sentence but have to swallow a few times before my voice is actually audible. "Do you remember what happened?" I ask. Even talking hurts and so does every movement I make.

She nods slowly. "Yeah. I.. I couldn't contain myself though.. like.." She swallows hard and a tear rolls down her cheek. "It wasn't really me. Its like something took over.. I don't know what happened but.. it was.. horrible.."

I wipe the tear on her cheek away with my thumb and try to nod. "I know it wasn't you."

"Im so sorry.." She says, another tear escaping her eye.

"Its okay. It wasn't you." I say, my eyes closed again as the throbbing in my head just becomes too much.

I can feel that she lays down again, her head on my chest. It hurts but its also one of the nicest feelings I've felt in days. "Im really sorry." She whispers, pulling me closer to her as she wraps her arms around me. "Im sorry Karlie.."

"Its okay." I say softly, stroking her hair with my somehow painful hand. "Its not your fault."

"But it also is." She says, lifting her head up to look at me. I flinch at the sudden movement and let our a soft gasp of pain. "Oh god.. oh god.. sorry." She says, softly stroking my face again. "Sorry, sorry, sorry.."

"Tay.." I sigh. "Its not your fault. It wasn't you." I open my eyes to look into her worried ones. "Its okay. You're forgiven." I try smiling a small smile at her but soon notice it must look miserable since she isn't smiling back.

"Okay.." She sighs, laying her head down on my chest again really careful this time.

"What time is it?" I ask the blonde after a few minutes of silence. I open my eyes again, the sun is already brightly shining into the room so its probably later than it feels.

"10AM." Taylor says, lifting her head up from my chest again carefully. She gracefully hops off the bed and walks towards the bathroom area of the room, where the sun is shining through the huge windows. She stands still then, looking outside while she stands in the sun, enjoying its warmth. Its a beautiful sight really, its the closest to happy I have seen the girl in days.

"Its so sunny today huh?" I comment, sitting up and getting out of the bed a lot less graceful than the beautiful blonde creature just did.

"I love it." She says, a smile on her face as she looks outside. Its a smile I hadn't seen for way too long. A smile I have missed.

"Me too." I say. She looks at me then and flashes me a big smile, it falters a bit however when she looks down and sees my bruised neck. I walk over to the mirror to examine the damage and gasp when seeing myself. "Oh."

"Its so purple.." Taylor sighs. "Im so sorry Karlie, I-"

"Shhh" I interrupt her, turning around to face the blonde, worried, wolf-girl. "Not. Your. Fault." I say, tapping her nose after every word. She lets out a surprised, animal-like sound and shrugs her shoulders then.

Gosh Swift, you're just so damn cute.


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