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"There's a lot you need to know. But I actually can't tell you." Taylor said hurriedly as we walked back into the cabin.

"That makes like no sense." I said as I sat down on one of the chairs again.

"Karlie.." She sighed.

"Sorry, I.. I just find it hard to understand." I said as she sat down on the other chair.

She stayed silent and looked down at the table.

"No one will know what you're telling me. I promise I wont tell anyone, ever." I said.

"But.. Im so scared they'll find out." She said, her voice small.

"I wont ever tell anyone anything. I swear." I said, wanting to comfort her and make her feel safe with me.

"I already saw you.. uhmm change.. now anyway." I added when she stayed silent.

"Im so sorry." Taylor said as she got up from the chair and walked over to the kitchen. She poured us two more glasses of water and sat back down with me.

"For what?" I asked, still not knowing really what she should be sorry for.

"For scratching you." She said, her voice soft.

"Oh, its no big deal. Look the wound is already gone." I said as I stuck my hand out for her to look at it.

"Karlie, you don't understand." She said lowly, looking sadly into my eyes.

"What don't I unders.." I start but she interrupts me.

"You're becoming a werewolf!" She shouted, angrily slamming a fist on the table.

Me? A.. what?

"I.. I.. what.. but.. how? I mean.. you're not serious right?" I stuttered, panic completely taking over my mind now.

"You're becoming a werewolf." She repeated, her voice the normal volume again this time. She didn't look at me, she looked down at the glass in her hand. I looked at her in fear and got up from the table.

"You.. is that.. no.." I mumble softly, placing my own glass on the table. My breathing got faster and faster as I felt myself getting dizzy.

"Okay, Karlie. Calm down, I think you're having a panic attack." Taylor said calmly while getting up from the chair and walking over to me.

"Leave me alone." I said as she approached me. Her face fell and she stopped and looked down.

"Im sorry." She whispered. My breathing only became faster and the room started to spin around me. I fell onto the hard wooden floor and the world became black.


"Karlie?" A voice said.

"What?" I asked, my eyes still closed. I opened them and immediately saw those icy blue eyes looking into mine. I was in the cabin still, laying on the bed that was placed in the middle of the room.

"What happened?" I asked the blonde.

"You had a panic attack." She explained. "And then you fell on the floor and blacked out."

Then my memories come floating back into my mind.

"Im becoming a werewolf." I said out loud as I sat straight up in bed and brought my hands to my face.

"Im becoming a werewolf." I repeated, crying now. I could feel Taylor's hand, stroking my back as I let out loud quiet sobs.

"Im sorry. Im so sorry." She whispered a few times. We sat next to each other for a while on that big bed, me crying and her apologizing and stroking my back.

Growl -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now