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A loud voice sounded through the small shelter. ''Yo sparkles, get up. The sun is up already.''

I opened my eyes quickly, unsure of where I was and why it was so damn cold. Taylor's curly hair blocked my view but I knew the voice I had heard, had to be Cara's. ''Shut up, vamp.'' Taylor groaned, her voice raspy with sleep. She turned around, facing me and seemed to be surprised that I was still there in some kinda odd way. She blinked her blue eyes a few times before smiling and muttering soft ''Hey''.

''Hey.'' I replied, smiling back at the wolf girl. She looked so cute with her sleepy eyes, her messy hair and god, did I like those tiny are freckles that covered her nose and cheeks. ''I really like cuddling.'' She said, her smile even growing bigger. ''Like really.'' She said, moving a bit closer to me and cuddled me from the side.

I giggled. "Me too.'' My voice sounded hoarse from the cold air that I was breathing in while sleeping.

''Jeez, will you hurry! Im bored and hungry.'' Cara said, peeking her head in the shelter once more.

''You're always hungry!'' Taylor mumbled into my neck annoyedly. Cara laughed from outside of the shelter and we were starting to sit up. ''I need more sleep.'' I said while yawning.

''Same.'' Taylor replied, yawning and stretching her arms out. ''But we can sleep later. After all of this is over.'' She said, smiling a small smile in my direction.

''Maybe I don't wanna sleep then.'' I said smoothly, wiggling my eyebrows in the proces.

''Wha- Oh my god, Karlie!'' She exclaimed. Cara had heard my comment too and was loudly laughing outside.

''Come on.'' I said getting up and reaching my hand out to her. ''Lets do this.''

''I want cuddles later though. Promise?'' She asked, staring into my eyes with those blue ones of hers.


She took my hand and stood up from the ground. The fire that had kept us warm the night before, was now not more than a grey pile of ashes and dust. I grabbed our coats from the ground and helped Taylor putting hers on.

''Oh so polite,'' I heard Cara say then. ''Would almost think you are matches. Now hurry up I want some food.''

Taylor and I smiled at each other shyly then and got out of the shelter. Some fresh snow had fallen the previous night and was now laying on the ground like a shining layer of clouds. ''I love snow.'' I heard Taylor say. She got a handful of fresh, white coldness off the ground and made a ball out of it.

''Don't you dare.'' I said warningly, holding one hand up to block the snowball already. Taylor grinned evilly and held her arm backwards a bit, ready to throw. ''Taylor..'' I said, but it was already too late, the snowball was flying in my direction and hit me right on my forehead.

''Oh its on!'' I shouted, getting some snow off the ground too and quickly making a ball out of it. But before I knew it, I was lifted up by Cara and I was flying in the air. ''Woah.. Cara.. what are you doing?!''

''Hit her!'' Is all that the vampire shouted at the blonde who was laughing her ass off back on the ground. ''No! no, no, no!'' I shouted, but soon I was a flying target and I have to say, Taylor had a pretty good aim. After a few minutes filled with nothing more than laughter and screaming, Cara put me back down on the ground again and Taylor stopped attacking me.

''What was that for?'' I asked, walking towards the blonde who was smiling widely at me.

''Isn't that what humans call fun?'' She said, raising her left eyebrow.

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