...Twenty five...

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-The last chapter of this book-

"Morning." I hear her say. I slowly open my eyes and notice the sun shining into the cabin peacefully. I then move my head to the right to look into her beautiful blue eyes, which are of course, shining as always.

"Morning." I hear myself say, my voice hoarse as I speak. She smiles sweetly and kisses my forehead. "Did I already tell you that I love you?" She asks, moving a strain of hair out of my face and placing it behind my ear.

"Yes you did." I say, smiling back at her.

"Well, ill tell you again anyway." She says, that smile on her face growing even bigger. "I love you, Karlie Kloss."

I giggle at her cuteness. "And I love you Taylor Swift." I say before a loud crack sounds through the wooden cabin and a very cheery couple stands in the doorframe.

"And I love the both of you too, bunch of cheesy creatures." Cara says, a broad grin on her face. Selena stands next to her, smiling at the situation. It is then that I realise that I am still naked.

"Oh god." I mumble, pulling the blankets up to cover my body.

"Hey Taylor," Cara says, addressing my girlfriend. "I finally understand what you see in her." Cara says while already laughing at her own comment. Selena lets out a snorted laugh too and punches her girlfriends arm playfully. Taylor laughs with them and wiggles her eyebrows playfully right after. I smile at the situation, my cheeks however, bright red.

"So are you guys ready?" Selena asks after the laughter has died down.

I take a deep breath and stare at the ceiling while saying: "Well, do we have a choice?".

"Well.." Taylor starts.

"Except for killing her I mean." I interrupt her. 

Cara and her share a smile before she says: "Well, no then. No we don't have a choice. We're going to have to fight her and scare her far, far away from her." 

"Sounds like a well enough plan." Taylor comments dryly.

"Well then, get your furry asses out of bed and join us out here in a few minutes." Cara says, taking Selena's hand in hers and pulling her out of the cabin, giving us some privacy.

I sigh deeply and turn to my beautiful match once more. "We'll be fine." She whispers as she kisses my head sweetly. "It'll be fine."

I sigh again and hold onto her, scared of what is to come. 'How did I, Karlie Kloss, end up here? Laying in bed with my werewolf girlfriend before fighting off the meanest werewolf bitch i've ever met. If you don't count Adam of course.' I think to myself before I press a kiss on Taylor's cheek.

"Try not to worry too much will you?" She asks, a smile on her face as she looks at me. "We're stronger than she is."

I nod. "Ill try." I mumble. She kisses my forehead one last time before we both get out of bed. 

"Id really like a morning shower with you, miss Kloss." She says, still smiling brightly at me. "But I think we will have to do that later, since were in kind of a hurry."

"Oh, Ill remind you of that promise later then." I say as we both get dressed and quickly eat something before stepping outside in the cold. The soft breeze is chilly but get comforting and waking us up in some way. Spring is on it's way and so were better days, we could all feel it.

"There they are, them lovebirds." Cara says in her funny sounding accent.

"You guys okay?" Selena asks, looking at us with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Yeah we're fine." I say, linking my fingers with Taylor's.

"Feeling strong?" Cara asks, smiling as well.

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