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"Chase, come here will ya?" I shout through the forest, a smile on my face. "We're going home."

"But mommy, I wanna stay here for a while still. We've only been here for like-"

"Three hours." I cut the small boy off.

"Oh." The little one replies, obviously having lost track of time. "But I want to train more. I wanna be as strong as you and mama Taylor."

I lift the little guy up from the ground and kiss his forehead. "You will be." I smile at him. "You know what?"

"What, mom?" He says, a bit of annoyance playing on his face.

"You'll be even stronger than your moms. Im sure of that." I say, putting him down on the ground again.

 He makes an excited jump. "Really?!" He shouts excitedly. 

I nod, smiling a bright smile at him. "Whoa!" He shouts, a little growl coming out too in the meantime. I giggle at the little man. 

"Let's go home now shall we? I think mommy already has dinner ready." I say.

"Is it yum?" He asks, putting his hands in his pockets and shrugging his shoulders. 

"I believe she is making carrots with broccoli and some potatoes." I say, petting his hair.

He throws his hands in the air excitedly. "Oh my! That is yum!"

I can't help but laugh at the 5 year old's words. "I raised you well, didn't I?"

"Sorry mom, what did you say?" He asks, smiling at me.

"Nothing." I mumble. "Race home?" I say, already shifting into my wolf-self.

"Yeah!" He says, shifting into his wolf-form too. His beautiful white fur shines in the spring sun and his blue eyes shine just as much as his mother's do.

"3...2...1...Go!" He shouts before taking off towards the village. Taylor and I had decided to buy an apartment in Wadeson before Chase was born. We figured it would be close enough to our cabin and to all the things we needed right now.

"I won!" Chase yelled as soon as we reached the edge of the forest.

"Ughh, again!" I say faking my annoyance as we both shift back into our human selfs before any 'normal' human can possibly spot us. We step out of the woods and onto the small path that leads to the town.

"Im hungry." The little one complains after about five minutes. "And tired."

"Want me to carry you huh?" I say, already picking the exhausted boy up from the ground and putting him on my shoulders.

"Thanks mommy." He says while yawning.


"Mama Taylor scared me really badly here once." I comment as we walk through the oh so familiar dark alleyway.

 Chase lets out a small laugh. "How?"

"Well, when we were still younger," I start. "Your mom and I didn't know each other so well yet and the first night I met her, she scared me here when it was completely dark. She just jumped out of the darkness."

"But mom, you can see in the dark too, cant you?" He asks, oblivious to the fact that I hadn't been a werewolf then yet.

"Not then yet honey." I say. "I wasn't a wolf then yet."

"Oh!" Chase says then, remembering something. "I remember! Mom has told me this before. She said she was very in love with you already. Even when you weren't a wolf yet."

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