...Twenty four...

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"And now what?" I ask while speeding to the small kitchen in de cabin to give Taylor, who is again in her human form, a piece of cloth to dab the blood of her face with. Toni had punched and scratched her and now a nasty cut runs from Taylor's right eyebrow, down to her cheek, just barely missing the soft skin of her eyelids.

"Now we kill the fucking bitch." Taylor grumbles, angrily sitting down on the bed in the living room area and wiping the blood away with the wet piece of cloth.

"I know you're angry Tay-"

"No, I'm serious Karls. We kill her. Were not gonna let ourselves be split up again." She says, looking me in the eyes as I make my way over to the bed to sit down beside her. "Maybe we were to weak last time, when Adam came in between us, but were a lot stronger and wiser now."

"Thats why I think we shouldn't do it. Like you just said, were wiser than that Tay.." I try convincing the stubborn blonde woman next to me, taking the cloth from her hands. 

"Well what is your plan then?" She asks annoyedly. I carefully dab some more blood from her beautiful face and cant help but kiss her forehead. 

"I think, we should come up with some kind of plan to like.. scare her away." I say, stroking her cheek with my hand as she leans into my touch, relaxing slightly. 

She sighs deeply before nodding her head. 

"Thats.. also a possibility." She says. "Even though she is a lot stronger than us probably." I lift her chin up and look deeply into her eyes.

"With the four of us, Cara, Sel, you and I.. Taylor we will be a lot wiser and stronger." I say hopefully. Yet again, wiping away some drips of blood that make their way down her cut.

"You think so?" She asks, her confidence lacking now that her insecure self is showing. I see some tears forming in those beautiful blue orbs.

"I do." I say as confident as I am capable of.

"I just.. I don't want to lose you again Karlie.. I.. I cant." She stammers, a single tear now making its way down her right cheek and colliding with the small drips of blood there. I dab it away again and smile at the blonde.

"You wont. I promise." I say as I pull her closer to me in a hug. She soon wraps her arms around me and sighs deeply yet again.

"So.." I say after a while. "What will we do with all of this romantic stuff now?" I ask her, pointing at the red rose pedals en the cute lid candles in the cozy room. She giggles into my shoulder and pushes me away a bit. 

"We never ever have some private time do we?" She asks, a small smile on her face.

"I guess now we do?" I say playfully, wiggling my eyebrows at her. She giggles again and looks away from me nervously. "Taylor.." I ask. "Are you nervous for.. this?"

Her eyes shoot up to meet mine shortly before she averts them down to her hands once more. "I.. I.." She stutters nervously. "Yeah.." She admits then, blushing shyly. I smile at the sight and take her hands in mine, bending my head down to kiss her left one. The cut on her face seems to dry out finally now, since no fresh blood is making its way down her face anymore.

"So.. You.. you will have to explain to me.." I starts nervously, wanting to ask some stuff that I've been wondering about for a while. "How.. how does this whole connecting thing work?"

She looks up again and then back at our intertwined hands. "Its.. I.. I think.. Its just.." She stutters nervously. I lean forwards slowly and kiss her lips softly. She sighs and relaxes as I bring my hands up to her cheeks and stroke them softly before leaning back again slightly.

"Taylor, relax." I say softly, kissing her left cheek carefully before sitting back.

She lets out a nervous chuckle and sighs again, for about the 100th time this day. "I think its nothing much different from like.. how it works with humans.." She says and I sigh happily, glad to achieve this piece of information. "Except for the fact that I need to scratch and bite you.." My eyes grown wider at this news. "I mean.. I mean.. only a bit." She tries assuring me quickly, of course sensing nervous reaction. 

"Okay.. let me explain it to you properly." She says, running a hand through her hand while grabbing mine with the other. "Our bloodlines need to mix together." She says, holding up her wrist and showing it to me. "I need to open up your main artery.." She says, pointing at the blue-ish vein that is located near her wrist. I shudder at the thought already and swallow hard. "You.. will need to open mine and then we will hold them like this.." She takes my wrist and moves it up to touch hers. "So that our blood mixes together."

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