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"Long time no see." The smirking man says to me. That smirk, that ever present smirk on the bastards face. It disgusts me.

"Where is she?" I ask, slowly backing away from him.

"My match you mean?" He asks, his grin growing even wider as he speaks.

I stay silent, not wanting to let him know how furious I actually am. I look at him, with his grey or well blondish hair, his big body and his stupid face, oh and that stupid crown on his head. God, do I hate this guy.

"So you thought you could just barge in here with your friends and somehow safe my girl?" He says with his annoying, weird sounding accent.

"Your girl?" I snap at him. "You actually think she likes you? You actually think she gives a damn about you?"

"Oh after the first night of the new year she will." He says, smirking.

I bawl my fists, knowing exactly what he is planning to do on that first night of Januari. "You're disgusting." I spit at him, my hands already wanting to hurt this man so badly. I start shaking and sweating already, almost wildening because of my anger.

He lets out a laugh, that ever present smirk still there. "Well sweetheart.." He starts then. "Let finish this whole thing now yeah?" He says, walking closer towards me. I look around me, knowing this is that same hall where I have left Taylor behind all those years ago. There is no going away this time. No escape. This is the day I safe the love of my life. My match. My world.

A loud growl fills the empty hall and there he stands as his mighty, grey, wolf self. I know that wolfs cant really smile or smirk, but I swear that asshole still has that stupid grin on his hairy face. I growl too then. A flash of white light fills the air and there I stand in front of him as a wolf myself.

"Any last words now?" He asks, his sharp teeth shining dangerously at me as he walks closer and closer to me. I growl loudly then and jump forward, surprising the grey monster. I cut deep into his skin with my sharp nails and run towards the other end of the hall.

"Bitch!" I hear him shout as he runs after me. I feel a sharp pain run through my left leg then. I turn around again and bite him in his side as he passes me, not expecting me to turn around so abruptly. His face is bleeding and so is a small wound on his side now. I know its not enough though. I know he needs to die.

"Now I have you." He says as I reach yet another corner of the big hall. There is now way for me to go now as he is before me, and a stone wall is behind me. 'fuck..'

"WERE COMING IN! HANG ON!" A voice yells then. The two big stone doors open slowly and a brown wolf and a flying vampire come rushing into the hall. "Grab him, Sel! Cara shouts at the brown wolf while circling above us. The ceiling of the big hall isn't even visible from the ground and so Cara can fly around. Selena jumps on Adam's back and bites him hard in his neck. He grunts in pain and that whole action gives me the time to escape from that narrow corner and dig my nails into Adam's side in the meantime.

"On the end of the hall is another door!" Selena yells then. "The entrance of the rest of the palace is there."

"We can handle him for now, go get your girl." Cara says, diving down right after, putting her teeth in Adam's neck.

I just stand there then, looking at the scene unfolding in front of me. Adam is laying on the ground, still in his wolf form but looking weak, very weak. He still tries to fight back though, aggressively trying to throw punches in the girl's directions.

"Seriously, go!" Selena shouts then, punching the grey wolf in his stomach. He lets out a low grunt and tries getting up one more time without succes.

Growl -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now