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The air felt even colder than the day before when I left the next morning to see Taylor in the forrest again. I had put my thick black coat on, together with some black skinny jeans and a warm red sweater. I had even put gloves on, thats how cold it was this Sunday morning.

I had decided to head over to Taylor's early in the morning. The sky was still pitch black and the stars were still faintly shining. I walked over towards the creepy alley and walked into it, a little less scared than the first two times I walked through here. The black cats greeted me by hissing at me now and I passed it quickly.

I entered the dark looking forest after a while, got my phone out of my pocket and turned on the flashlight function on. It was so dark in there, that I could only see the ground with the light my phone provided. I walked fast, a bit creeped out by the dark, unknown, shapes and forms surrounding me.

Soon, I reached the lake. There was already a dim light shining out of the cabin's window's across the lake, but it's curtains were still closed. I followed the waterside and headed back into the forrest when the floor stopped being solid and turned into mud and then water. I walked through a little bit of forest again before seeing the cabin reappear on my left and walked straight towards it.

"Hello." I heard a cheery voice say from behind me. I recognized that voice. I turn around, but theres no one there.

"Boo." The voice then said into my ear, from behind me. I jumped at the sudden closeness and turned around quickly.

"Would you please stop scaring me." I said, smiling at Taylor, who was laughing loudly.

"God, its way too early for this." I said, looking at my phone for the time and turning the flashlight off too. The time said 7:03am and the sun was starting the rise now, as the sky slowly went from black to the grey ish color it also was the day before.

"It's s just so much fun to do." Taylor said, smiling widely at me.

"Why are you even up and outside already?" I asked curiously.

"I was hunting. Couldn't find anything though." She explained simply.

"Hunting for what?"

"Rabbits, birds, foxes, mouses. Anything with a bit of meat really." She said.

I look at her in disgust.

"Oh my god. Taylor, is that a werewolf thing? Eating meat and all?" I ask in shock.

"Duh." She says, smiling at me. "What else did you think we eat? Salad?" She is practically laughing.

"I'm a vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat since I was like 8 years old." I explained to the blonde, with a little bit of annoyance in my voice.

"Well, now you will." She said simply.

"No, I wont."

"Well, then you'll be the first vegetarian werewolf." She said drily, smiling and then turning around and walking towards the cabin.

"Ha. Okay." I said in defense, following her.

"Come in, miss veggie." She said, opening the door for me.

I step inside the cabin without saying another word to the sassy blonde girl.

"Can I sleep for a while still?" She asks, hanging up her coat on the hangers next to the door and kicking her boots to the side.

"Sleep? Im here to train." I said, raising my hands up in annoyance.

"Wow. Someone is grumpy in the morning." Taylor said, pushing my arm away playfully as she passes me and sits down on her bed.

Growl -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now