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The rain was making a loud and annoying sound, falling hard on the roof of the bus. The sky was dark and lit up by a few stars that were brave enough to even shine through the grey clouds. We were driving on a long, dark road, straight to Coletown. Well not we. It was just me who had been sitting in the empty, cold bus for about an hour and a half now.

I looked at my phone, hoping for any messages from the blonde I missed so much already. Of course there weren't any, since the girl didn't even have a phone.

'Who doesn't have a phone these days?' I thought to myself as the engine let out a loud roar. It did that every once in a while I noticed. I thought about the blonde then, who was probably making her way through the woods in her wolf form now. Her beautiful wolf form.

I smiled at the thought. Shes so precious.

I looked at my phone then, checking the time. 10:12pm it said.

A frown appeared on my face. Where would she be now? Is she safe? Should I have stayed?

And then the most frightening thought of all consumed my mind.

Will I ever see her again?

I shook my head to get rid of the bad thoughts as I started to feel tears forming in my eyes.

'Of course you will Karlie.' I told myself. 'She said so, didn't she?'

A tear started making its way down my cheek then, as I looked out of the window, into the darkness.

No she didn't.


I got out of the bus and stepped into the darkness, my backpack slung over my back. I packed some clothing, some food and other essentials.

I thanked the driver, who was staring in front of him, his face bored. He looked at me however and smiled. Well kinda.

"And now what?" I asked myself out loud. Grabbing my phone once again to check the time. 12:01am.

I looked around me for a couple of seconds then, orientating and deciding if I should go left, or right. I decide to go to the left, where there are a couple of higher buildings. Coletown is one of the tiniest towns around, or so I've heard. And I literally don't know anyone or anything here.

"Awesome." I said as I started pacing through the muddy street. The rain had finally stopped pouring down from the sky. There was no one to be seen around on the street though, not a single person. A few lanterns were dimly lighting up the street as I walked through it with big steps.

'Why did she want me to go to Coletown?' I thought to myself as I started wondering if I would get a place to sleep tonight.

"Psst.." I heard then.

I looked around to see where the sudden sound came from.

Please let it be Taylor..

"Hey! Psstt!" The voice whispered again, a bit louder this time.

I looked over to my left and right there, ducking behind a car, was a girl standing.

"Oh.. hi." I said then to the girl. Her hair was dark and her eyes too. Yet there was a light shimmering in them. She stepped closer to me.

"Shhh!" She whispered. "You're Karlie Kloss right?"

I nodded, not wanting to make any more sounds. She was closer to me now, I could see her better. Her dark eyes, were shining.

Growl -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now