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"Get up you lazy-" Cara bursted into the room. "Wow, didn't know you guys were all.. wolfy like that." She said, laughing at her own comment.

"Good morning, what time is it?" I heard Taylor ask but Cara just smiled at her and said: "I don't understand this wolf language okay? Get your furry asses out of my bed and come hunt with me."

The door closed with a loud bang. The blonde girl next to me stretched out her limbs and yawned loudly.

"Morning." She said, nudging my cheek with hers.

"Morning." I said with a faint growl, jumping off the bed and stretching myself out.

"Ready to hunt?" Taylor asked, jumping onto the ground herself too now and stretching her legs one by one.

"Still vegetarian." I said stubbornly.

Taylor laughed loudly. "You wont be after this." And with that she somehow opened the bedroom door and ran out of the room.

"Hey wait!" I shouted while running after the beautiful, white creature.

"Cara! Hey Cara guess what?!" Taylor growled. "Karlie here, is a vegetarian." Then she laughed again.

"Okay you, I don't know what you just said, but it did sound funny with those weird sounds you made." Cara said, smiling at the both of us.

"Shut up." Taylor growled, nudging Cara out of the doorway with her head and walking out of the den. I stepped outside too and immediately felt the cold winter air hitting me. I didn't know what time it was but it was already completely light outside and a thin layer of ice was covering the ground. No snow had fallen yet, but thick grey clouds were floating in our direction from the distance.

"Looks like its going to snow later. Lets make this a quick hunt." Cara said to us and a second later she took off and was floating high in the air. I looked up at her in surprise, not knowing she could fly at all. When I looked down again to were Taylor was standing, I noticed that the white wolf had already taken off and was running into the woods, fast.

"Wait for me!" I shouted, not wanting to get left behind in this unknown surrounding. I hadn't seen this forrest in daylight yet and I had to say; It looked beautiful. The sunlight made its way through icy branches from trees that reached higher than I could even look. The thin layer of ice on the ground made it a bit slippy but because of my sharp nails, I could easily make all the left's and right's Taylor was making far ahead of me.

"I spotted something guys! One mile to the south!" I heard Cara shout from above. Taylor let out a sound I hadn't heard before yet; a howl. She looked over her shoulder then, presumibly to check if I was still there. Her blue, shiny eyes looked happy and before I could study her face more, she turned her head away again and sped off into the forest.

"Half a mile!" Cara shouted from above. "Its a big one!"

"Tay?!" I shouted.

She looked over her shoulder again.

"What exactly are we hunting for?!" I asked, already disgusted by killing an innocent, living creature.

"I think Cara saw a deer!" She shouted back at me.

"A few meters still!" I heard Cara shout. I looked up at her once again while still keeping a quick pace on the slippy ground. Suddenly Cara dived down towards the ground and I heard a loud thud.

"Oh my god, is she okay!?" I asked, my mind already in panic mode.

All I heard was a laugh from Taylor and a shriek from presumably the now dead animal. Taylor came to a full stop out of nowhere and I had to brake quickly too. There was indeed a big deer laying on the icy ground in a pool of its own blood. Dead.

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