Chapter 2

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"Avery who was that you were talking to?" My mom inquired when I got home from meeting Shawn.

"Oh, just the new neighbor. He's really nice and he's really good at singing!" I replied back.

"He seems like a nice kid. We will have to have a barbecue and meet the whole family!" My mom suggested.

I really wanted to get to know Shawn more and even though I just met him just like an hour ago but I had a little crush on him. "Yeah! We should!"

"I'll ask his family if they want to come over on Saturday. Are you fine to have them come over on Saturday?" My mom asked.

"Ya that's fine! I'm not doing anything on Saturday!" I walk up to my room cheering silently. I'm actually going to be able to talk to Shawn for longer than 10 minutes!

"Avery, actually clean the Mendes are coming in five minutes and the yard has to be  clean." The Mendes said yes to our invitation and are coming over soon and I'm really exciting! I mean my week has been going pretty good! The annoying neighbors moved and Shawn moved in, Shawn is coming over today and I get to show him around the school tomorrow.


"I've got it Mom!" I scream at my mom. As I open the door I see Shawn's whole family except for Shawn. "Come in. We are really excited to have you over!"

"Thank you! It's nice if you to invite us," Mrs Mendes says,"This is Aaliyah, Shawn's sister."

"Hi, Aaliyah! My name is Avery. It's nice to meet you."

"Hi! I'm really excited to get to know you," Aaliyah a few years younger than me,"Shawn is at a Magcon meeting so he couldn't come but he will be at school on Monday."

My mom came down the steps at this moment,"Hi. I'm Avery's mom,Abigail, it's nice to meet you." My mom said.

"I'm Karen,Aaliyah and Shawn's mom. Aaliyah is 12 and Shawn is 17. How old is Avery?" Said Shawn and Aaliyah's mom.

"Avery is 18...." The doorbell interrupts her. I walk to the door and see who it is.

"CLAIRE!! I thought you moved to Florida."

"My dad got relocated to Canada! The first place I came was here," at that moment she saw the Mendes family,"What's with the Mendes being here?" Claire, aka my best friend, questioned.

"They are my new neighbors. I'll introduce you to them," to the Mendes I say,"This is Claire, my best friend."

"Heyo!" She says.

We have a really great time with the Mendes and when it gets late they leave and my and Claire go upstairs to sleep. She said something to me like the Mendes family were nice when she was falling asleep. That's when I forgot to tell her something.

"Claire!! I forgot to tell you. You know Shawn Mendes the singer? Thats his family. I have his number and I'm helping him get around the school tomorrow," I think I heard say cool but it might have been a snore.

(A/N Avery actually is my best friend and I'm telling it from her perspective.  Sorry it's short I'm not a really great writer and Avery was really hoping to read it tonight. Thanks for reading it will get more interesting I promise.)

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