Chapter 25

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Claire's POV
The next day I get a call from Shawn.

"Wassup little dude?" I ask him.

"Avery broke up with me!" He cries out.

"Why?" I ask him. I mean I'm not surprised that she did though. In faith grade she had twelve boyfriends. She cheated on two of them with their best friends. The bad thing about that was that one of the people she cheated on was my best friend, Osi.

"She found someone better. She told me I knew him. But I have no idea who it is!" Shawn complains.

"It's okay I'll figure it out," I respond.

"Ok I got to go. Thank you! Love you!"

"Love you too Shawn."

Shawn's POV

I did know who Avery left me for but I thought it wasn't my place to tell.

Of course it was Jack J. Yep Jack J has had three girl friends this week. First my best friend, then some turd face that cakes make up on her face and let's her butt hang out of her shorts, then my ex-girl friend.

"Shawn! Shawn! Are you even listening?" Aaliyah asks me.

"Um yeah," I respond.

"Ugh! Sometimes I wonder why I bother to talk to you. Mom said clean your room because her friends asked her if we could watch her daughter," Aaliyah says before walking out of my room.

I start picking up clothes that are scattered on my room's floor and either hang them up or in the laundry.

I wonder who this girl is. Do you think I know her? Eh it's probably nothing. 

A week later and the girl comes over to our house. My mom calls me done and I don't believe who it is...

ITS DORA! Why does this happen to me? Why couldn't she of stayed with Diego I mean they are cousins?

Just kidding...

It's Claire!


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