Chapter 9

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Claire's POV

Ev was still sleeping so I started to make breakfast. When she woke up the boys were all sitting at the table eating. She walked over and took the last empty place. "IM HUNGRY!! Give me food."

"Dang girl!! Chill." Cameron said to Ev. "Were eating right now."

"YASSS!" Ev and all the boys yelled.

"When's the next show" Cam asked.

"Today in 1 hour soooo..." I said.

When we got down to the place the show was going to be held we went through the same performances as always. Except for me and Ev sang a song together to. We decided to sing part of the song we were writing.

Wait wait wait
For me to
Come home

Heyo while you been
Sitting her waiting
For miracles
To happen
I've been making
My own
Happen in front
Of my eyes

Waiting rain for the rain
To pass by
Is never going to work
Gotta go find the guy
He ain't ever coming
To find you

Guys don't ever
Put any work
Into anything
They sit at McDonalds
Eating BigMacs
Waiting for you
To realize

You can't wait
For the rain
To pass
Gotta dance in the rain

[A/N I actually wrote this song so if you steal it your dead🤗 love ya too😘]

Everyone was screaming and cheering. They really liked the song.

"Sorry guys but that's all we have done for today. The song is not finished yet. Sorry." Ev said out to the crowd.

After the show we had a meet and greet. For this meet and greet I was in a one with all my sisters, Avery and Ev. We had a surprisingly long line. People kept commenting about our song.

"We already pre-ordered your song on iTunes. I can't wait for it to come out!" A fan said.

"Thanks!" Ev said,"What's your name?"

"My name is Abby." The fan said.

I know the name seemed familiar from somewhere. She even looked familiar. "Hey! Have we meet before? You look really familiar."

"Gosh Claire! I thought you would never remember me! From 5th grade! I was in your classes with Avery."

"Yes I remember you. Do you want to hang out with us tonight?" I asked her.

"Yassss! Please. Where do you want me to meet you?"

"Oh um you can wait here with us to go back to the hotel. I'll text the boys."

M=Matt Ca=Cam Cl=Claire A=Avery S=Shawn N=Nash JJ=Jack J JG= Jack G H=Hayes

Cl=Can my friend come hangout with us tonight?
N=as long as she's nothing like you.
Cl=that wasn't very nice!
Ca=but it's true
JJ=but it was funny
JG=Jack aren't you spouse to stand up for your girlfriend
JJ=shut up

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