Chapter 19

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Matt's POV

'Where are you?' Is what I think but that's not what I'm thinking.

'Meet and great place' I think.

'I'll be there soon!' So apparently Claire and I have twin telepathy or something.

I see Claire run down to the place I'm at.

"Dude! Why did you just leave? I tried following you but Bart told me to sit down," she says," he said that if you have that attitude towards him one more time your out. But if you leave I leave."

"Thanks. What were they saying when you left?"

"Well after you left Bart left. Then the boys were talking about how stupid Bart was for telling you to leave."

"Oh," I say back.

I then get a text," where are u?"

I see its from Taylor so I respond." @ m&g place."

"Is Claire with you?"


Everyone else runs down and we decide to go get food from Taco Bell.

After we order our food we go sit down and make vines. I accidentally spill the salt and pepper and the Taco Bell manager comes and kicks us out. That's 7 times I've got us kicked out of Taco Bell.

Bart texts Cam for us to come to the Matt and greet place. We walk back to the hotel and go to the meet and greet place.

Claire's POV

The meet and greet starts and I go to the line I'm in with Matt.

"Awww you guys are the cutest siblings ever!" Is a compliment we got a lot.

A fan comes up and says,"If you guys are twins why don't you guys look alike? Matt has blonde hair and you have brown hair."

"Well my hair was dyed brown so I would look like my adopted family more."

We took a picture with the fan then she left.

"Stay away from Matt and Jack! Your just using them for their fame. And you can't date two people at once!"

"Matt is my brother and I'm not using them for their fame. I was famous before Magcon."

"Sure you were."

"Well I suggest that if you want a picture with Matt you stop taking to me and go ask for a picture."

"Fine I will."

'Yo bro!'


'The fan that's about to come up to you to ask for a picture is being a turd'


Was me and Matt's telepathic conversation.

*after meet and greet*

"Let's go get food!" I yell.

Everyone agrees except for Jack J who isn't here. I go to find him. I see him in the room back stage. The thing is he isn't alone.

I see him making out with the girl that was being a turd. I turn around and run to Matt. I didn't realize it but I was crying.

"What's a matter baby girl?"

"J-jack is c-c-cheating on m-me!" I manage to in between my sobs.

(A/N just so you know I don't think Jack would ever cheat on someone!)

"Go talk to Avery. I'll be back," he says back to me.

Matt's POV

I made Jack promise he wouldn't hurt my sister and what does he do? Oh you know make out with another girl.

I walk to the back room to see a Jack making out with the girl that was being a turd to Claire earlier.

"Jack! I trusted you to date my sister and look what you've done! You sir are a messed up person that I never want to see again!" I say.

Jack stands up and walks over to me.

"And I was stupid enough to date your stupid sister. Cat is so much better!" He says while slapping me.

I don't know what got into me but I punched him hard then left.

I went back to the rest of the boys and walked next to Cam.

"Why are your hands bleeding?" He asks.

"Jack. Cheated. On. Claire!"


I get a notification from Twitter that says Claire tweeted something. I opened Twitter and see she tweeted 'Jlaire sunk to the absolute bottom of the ocean. Jack you can't just use me'.

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