Chapter 22

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Claire's POV
As me and Jack pull away I whisper I love you to him. Me and Jack walk out and go sit down at one of the tables with two chairs still open.

Fans start coming up to us and ask for different things signed and different pictures.

A lot of fans ask what me and Jack are. We always say just good friends. I honestly don't know what me and Jack are.

Jacks POV

Just good friends. Just good friends is what Claire and I are. Nothing more. I was stuck in the friend zone. No one ever gets out of the friend zone.

"Jack come on, we're getting off the plane."  G said to me.

"Ugh, fine!"

All the boys and Claire Avery and Mahogany and I get of the plane.

Claire is walking with Mo and Avery and is laughing about something. Claire starts lagging and ends up by me.

"Were you watching me?" Claire says while giggling.

"Where you giggling?" I fire back.

"No! I don't giggle I laugh!"

"Suuuureeeee," I say.

"Guys come on! Or else we are leaving you!" Cam yells at us.

Claire and I start running to the car. Before we get to it the car door locks. We bang o the windows for around 5 minutes before a security guard comes and tells us to get away from Magcons car. We turn to look at the guard.

"Oh sorry I didn't see who it was! I thought you were fans," the guard says.

"It's ok it's probably Cam's fault. Or Nash's. Or Matts! Matt I thought we were friends!" Claire says.

"No no, your siblings, silly!" The guard says.

"How do you know so much?" I ask the guard.

"My daughter is like a super fan. She always talks about you guys."

"What's her name? We can take a video or something of saying something to her." Claire offers.

"Alivia. Could you say happy birthday, Alivia? It's her birthday tomorrow," the guard replies.

We take the video then finally get in the car.

"Claire! We are leaving in 2 days for Virginia," Matt says to Claire.


Claire's POV
*2 days later*

Me and Matt head to the plane. I choose the window seat and start to got to sleep.

"Claaaaiiiirrreee! You know I can't sleep on planes! Instead we are going to stay up and I'm going to tell you about the Espinosas!" Matt says.

Well no sleep for me, "Matt you sound like a 3 year old. But ok!"

" I have 3 siblings, Annie, Abigail and Kristen. Annie is 12, Abigail is 15 and Kristen is 18. My mom and dad are nice. You will be excepted." Matt trailed in but feel asleep because it was only 4 in the morning.

"Matt were here get up!" It was 12 and we just landed.

We walk off the plane and hear people call our names. Matt grabs my hand and pulls me to a group of people.

(A/N thank you to @jgrant29 to voting for all my chapters)

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