Chapter 7

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Claire's POV

I was going into Hayes room to apologize for yelling at him yesterday. When I walked in his room I saw Krystal already in there. "Krystal, you really have to start telling me where you are!" I exclaimed. Krystal and Hayes both looked confused on why I wasn't yelling at them. I decided that Hayes can hold her hand but if he ever hurts her he'll be dead to me. I realized that I trusted Hayes and that he wouldn't hurt my sister. Hayes was a good kid.

"Sorry Claire. I just thought you would say no to me coming here because of what happened yesterday. Oh but just to let you know I'm going to Hayes hotel room," Krystal managed to get out while laughing. Suddenly me and Hayes started laughing too.

"It's fine Krystal and ok text me if you need anything while your there," and with that we start laughing again," I don't care if your with Hayes as long as you tell me where your going because I trust Hayes and I mean Krystal your alright."

I walked out of his room and went to talk to Nash. "I just don't want her to be hurt by him." I said without even saying hello.

"He won't hurt her. He loves her. He won't hurt her." Nash said.

"What would you do if he hurt her?" Cam asked.

"I don't know. I would be mad is all I know."

Later at a meet and greet

I was with Hayes in his line because I felt like I needed to bond with him.

"Claire are you mad at me for being with Krystal. I hope you know I would never hurt her."

"I know I just don't want her to get hurt. I trust you Hayes but if you prove me wrong so help me."

I looked at my phone and went on Twitter and realized that people were watching us that we're waiting in line to meet Hayes because my Twitter feed was blowing up with a picture of me and Hayes standing close together talking. Some people were saying that me and Hayes were dating,but the people closer to us herd about what was really happening and were talking about a mystery girl. I showed Hayes my phone.

"Shoot! I forgot people were watching us." He said,"Nash is going to have a fit over this."

"And Johnson is. And Krystal."

"Why will Johnson care?"

"Well we have this thing..."

"Your dating Jack J? Why didn't you tell anyone of us."

"Well we're not really dating but we told each other's our feelings and then..." But I never finished my sentence because fans started coming up to us."

A surprisingly large amount of people wanted a picture with me. But there was the few people who were mad at me for "dating" Hayes even though I wasn't.

After the meet and greet we had a show. Krystal and Kennedy were going to go stage for this show but Bart found out about the debate on Twitter and what people were tweeting at me and Krystal. People also had tweeted about me and Johnson. Bart didn't want me to do a song with Jack & Jack but I convinced him that I could handle the hate if people hated on me and he finally let me do a song with them.

It was the Jacks and my time. We had 10 minutes with us on stage so we made up a funny rap that me and Jack Johnson rapped and Glinisky sang sometimes in.

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