Chapter 3

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I wake up early Monday morning to get ready for school. I walk to the bathroom take a shower and do my hair and make up. I find a semi nice outfit, a black skirt, a white long sleeve shirt a black and white infinity scarf,black leggings and some Converse. After I'm ready I try to wake up Claire. But as I suspected she kicked me away as I tried to pull her blanket away from her. So instead I got my moms trumpet and blew into it and that sure did the trick. I told her to go get dressed and she obeyed me. As I sat on my bed waiting for Claire to be done so we could leave for school I got a text from Shawn "Hey. Can you still lead me around the school? I'm really sorry that I couldn't go to your house on Sunday,I was really busy with Magcon because we're starting a tour soon." I responded with "Hey. I can still lead you around the school. It's ok that you couldn't make it. Hope you'll have fun on your Magcon tour!"

Claire got back wearing something you would see someone on Tumblr wearing. As we got in the car I got another text from Shawn "Thanks! I really wish you could come with me on the Magcon tour. Xx" When we got to the school me and Claire waited for Shawn to come so I could take him on a tour around the school. I told Claire what Shawn said about how he wanted to take me on the Magcon tour.

"OMG! Avery that's so cool! He obviously likes you."

Someone walks up behind me and hugs my back. "Hi. I'm ready for my tour." Have I mentioned how Shawn is the sweetest person ever.

"Hi Shawn. What's your first period class?

"I have Mr King for science."

"Same. What about you Claire?"

"Twins stick together and we have since 5th grade. They put us in all the same classes on purpose," Claire responded.

"Like when you mean on purpose you mean so I can tell you to do a Rubix Cube every day?"

"What is Claire like really good at Rubix Cubes?" You could tell Shawn was really confused.

"No she is horrible at them because she is color blind."

We start walking to Mr King's class. As I was walking I looked at Shawn,he has a nice jaw line,nice smile,and oh my gosh his hair is just perfect. "Like what you see don't you?" He whispered over to me.

"What? No I mean like.." But the bell interrupted me. As were about to enter the class room Shawn puts on a jacket so no one recognizes him.

"Girls you're late...again. But you young man this is the first time I've seen you. Have you been skipping classes?" Mr King inquired.

"One of course we're late again we were late in 5th grade we are going to be late this year too. And two no he didn't skip he just moved here," I replied. I knew we weren't going to get in trouble because Claire  and I both knew that we were Mr King's favorite. Claire and I went to sit down and Sawn followed us. There was a empty seat behind us and thats were Shawn now sat.

When the bell rang everyone shot up and left. Shawn ended up having all the same classes as me and Claire. And the same thing that happened in science happened 6 more times that day.

Shawn took the bus to school so I drove him and Claire had been picked up to go to a doctors appointment. So it was just me and Shawn in the car. I was going to tell him that I liked him but then decided not to.

"Avery, I know I've only known you for a few days but you're really nice and I really like  you and I have a feeling you like me considering the way you were looking at me earlier."

I was about to respond when Stitches by my one and only Shawn Mendes came on the radio. I looked at Shawn Mendes and we both started singing the words. "I thought that I've been hurt before. But know ones ever left me quit this sore. Your words cut deeper than a knife. Now I need someone to breathe me back to life." We continued to sing the song and after it was over he had forgot about what we were talking about before.

When we got home Aaliyah was already home and was outside waiting for Shawn. I thought how nice it would be to have Thomas back. Thomas shouldn't have been taken away from the world that young! Stupid cancer! The only one of my friends that knew about Thomas was Claire because he died when I was in 5th grade.

That night I thought about what Shawn said in the car did he really mean that he liked me or was it just a lie? Did he really want to take me on the Magcon tour?

(A/N yes I know color blind people can do Rubix cubes and that their colors are just different. I mean but what's going to happen to Averys and Shawn's relationship after he leaves for Magcon? Read the next chapter to find out)

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