Chapter 4

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"Avery!! Do you homework. Don't sleep your day away!" My mom yells.

"What. Yeah. Ok." I said halfway asleep. I pulled my backpack up on my bed and got out my chemistry homework. Ugh how I hate school. I finished about 3/4 of the work sheet when someone rang the doorbell. I'll admit I acted a little childish and ran down to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Shawn standing there. I answer the door. "Um.. Not trying to be mean but what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to say that I like you and if you want me to leave I'll leave," Shawn replies.

"Shawn, I like you too but we just met a week ago." as much as it killed me I didn't want to be anything more than friends with Shawn.

"Oh. Do you want me to leave?" He asks and I shake my head no,"Well I have a question for you," he waits a while then continues,"would you like to go on the MagCon tour with me? I asked Bart and he said you could bring one person."

"Let me ask my mom. And ask Claire if she can come," I text both Claire and my mom. Claire has to ask her mom and my mom says yes. Claire text me later saying she can go and ask when we will be leaving. I text Shawn asking him what time and day we would be leaving. He replies back with 12:50 and the 17 of November. November 17 is in 3 days. I text Claire the date and she text me back she got to go pack. I also start to pack. I bring formal and fancy clothes. I text Shawn if I could bring my instruments.

"Wait you play some instruments? What ones? I play guitar."

"I play the flute. And Claire plays the Violin, Guitar and piano."

"Yeah you guys bring your instruments."


I text Claire saying to bring her instruments.

(A/N sorry it's so short it's just a filler.)

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