Chapter 17

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Claire's POV

I wake up and realize I have to go pick up my sisters.

"Matt come pick up Krystal, Caitlyn and Ev with me!" I say and Matt gets up and goes to my car and I follow him.

As we get to the airport I see Caitlyn Krystal and Ev run towards me and Matt.

"Wow there what about Jack?" Caitlyn whispers to me.

"He's sleeping and I didn't want to be lonely so I made Matt come."

*later that night*


Everyone comes into the living room. They all sit on the couch. And wait for me and Matt to start talking.

"Meandmattaretwins." I say really fast.

"Slow down," Cam says.

"Me and Matt are twins. I was adopted. Caitlyn isn't really my real twin Matt is!" I say," And we are the better siblings here."

"Hey!" Nash Hayes Caitlyn and Krystal said.

"It's  true!" Matt says.

I leave to go call my adoptive Dad.

"Yes honey?"

"I'm adopted aren't I! I'm really an Espinosa. The hospital told me while Matt was there. Matts my real twin."

"We'll see Caitlyn's real twin died in the hospital and I wanted all my children to be twins so I paid the nurse to say another family's child died and have the child be mine. I didn't except anyone to find out. I just thought it was better not to tell you. I'm sorry you can live with which ever family you want."

"Dad that's cruel! How could you do that to them. Just for yourself. As much as I love you I think I would like to meet my real family! Bye Mr. Muskrat!" I say while hanging up.

I go over to Matt and just cry into his shoulder. How could she do that?

"Why? Why couldn't I grow up with you? As much as I love my adoptive family. But if I grew up with you I wouldn't be best friends with Avery! Why is life full with so much trash?"

(A/N just a short chapter)

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