Chapter 5

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The next 2 days are a blur. It's always making sure we have everything we will need. On the day we leave Shawn's mom drives us to the airport. We say our goodbyes then the woman on the intercom says "Austin,Texas now boarding." We all stand up to get on the plane I sit on the inside, Shawn sits in the middle and Claire sits on the outside. Shawn falls asleep right away and Claire falls asleep after watching a movie on her phone. I then fall asleep after watching 2 episodes of Psych. 

After sleeping for at least 6 hours Shawn shakes me awake. We exit the plane and get picked up by a limo. In the limo there are other people from MagCon. Cameron greets us and introduces us to everyone else in the car, Jack Johnson, Jack Glinsky, Nash, Mahogany and Hayes.

We get to the hotel and we split up to go to our rooms. I'm sharing with Claire and Mahogany. We walk up to the room. "Hey Avery. There's only two beds, I guess that means your sleeping in the shower," Claire says in a joking way. There's a knock on the door and Claire answers it and sees Jack Johnson standing there. "Hey,Jack!"

"Hi! I was just wondering if you've seen my sunglasses any where? I've seemed to lost them." We all saw them on his head but none of us were going to mention it to him.

"Umm... I don't think we have. You can go check the bathroom if you want." Jack walks over to the bathroom after Claire says that and we can here Jack say "Oh there they are!" We all start laughing.

"Dude!! It's not funny!! I thought I lost them because no one was kind enough to tell me they were on my head!"

"Aww, so sad but if we told you it wouldn't be funny." Claire said jokingly.

"Well I'm leaving you bullies. I'll see you at the sound check before the show in 31 minutes," Jack says acting offended.

When Jack left we all started laughing. "Claire your face was so read when you opened the door! Does someone have a little crush?" I jokingly said. Claire looks at me in a way that says 'Oh shut up but yes' and we all started laughing again. Then once again there was another knock on our door. I stand up to go answer it and so does Claire. We start racing to the door to see who will be the one to open it. I win and open the door. It's Shawn. "What? Do you not know there are anti-social people in here." You hear Mahogany in the background say 'Hey what about me?'

"Umm... Well sorry for interrupting you from being on your phones but you guys should make social media for yourselves if you don't want to use the ones you already have."

"Yeah ok we will. See you later," Claire says.

"Wait but I need to talk to Claire in the hallway," Shawn says. Claire and I step out into the hallway,"Just Claire."

"Yeah not happening. Anything you say to me Avery hears about. Even if you tell her or not."

"Ok. Well Johnson wanted me to tell you, as in Claire," he looked over at Avery as he said this,"that he likes you." I start laughing silently.

"Sorry I don't know why I find that funny," but we both knew why I thought it was funny.

"Wait, where's Jack?" Claire asks.

"In our room. With Cameron."

Claire starts walking to their room and knock on the door. Claire hears one of the boys yell 'We're filming. Come again later.'   Claire laughs. "Yeah stinks for you. I'm coming in." Jack introduces Claire to the camera.

"This is Claire a semi member of the MagCon family. She came with Shawn and her best friend Avery because they are neighbors. The secret is she has no talent."

"Hey that's not true I can crack my wrist to Mary had a Little Lamb. See." Claire demonstrates her wrist cracking and when she's finished they all start laughing.

"Well the little noob has a talent so I guess she can be in today's video. Which we'll be a Q&A video. So I tweeted you to ask me and Jack questions using the hashtag camandjackQ&A. We got lots of questions and we will only have time for a few of them," Cam says to the camera.

"First question. 'Can you guys do your most impressive gymnastics skill. Ps I love you guys so much!' Well we love you too. And yes we will go do our most impressive gymnastics skill." They go outside so they can have more space. Can does a forward roll, Jack does a backflip type of thing and Claire not trying to be a show off dose a round off back handspring front tuck.

"Claire ways obviously the best at gymnastics after me obviously," Cam says. Cam, Jack and Claire all laugh.

"Question number two.'eat a spoonfull of mostard.' Ok we will but just to let you know Amber you spelt spoonful and mustard wrong," Claire says. They  all go to the kitchen and eat a spoonful of mustard. Then with the leftover mustard from the spoons they chase each other around the hotel room trying to get it on each other then they finally sit back down,"mustard is so gross being green." Claire says.

"Um.. Claire mustards yellow." Cam and Jack say together.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I forgot to mention I'm color blind. But I went to an eye doctor and they said I have to do these eye exercises and I won't be as color blind just a few shades off of the color." Claire explains. They answer a few more questions then go to the sound check.

On the way there Jack J asked Claire if Shawn told her if he liked her.

(A/N semi cliff hanger. Oh and I'll be changing the point of view to Claire's because there isn't a lot of Avery but the main charcter is Claire just to let you know. I'll remind you in the next chapter.)

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