Chapter 24

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Claire's POV

Me and Matt started getting ready to go back to California.

We were in the airport when Matt got a call. He hangs up the call then starts talking.

"Ummm... Claire I don't know how to say this but um jack kinda um cheated um on you with um Cat."

"Of course he did. Because I'm not good enough. Because I actually wear clothes. Because he can't get me to do anything. But cat she wears barely any clothes. Cat is good enough. Cat will do anything," I say back. It sounds like I don't care but inside I'm crying.

Our flight is called and Matt and I go to our plane.

"Claire? Do you want to be called Claire or Mack?"

"I guess Mack. It sounds cooler."

"Girl chooses her name by the way it sounds: headline news!" Matt says trying to lighten the mood.

"Lots of people choose names for that reason."

I head a small mmmmhhm from Matt but I chose to ignore him. I get a text from Avery.

Av- i accidentally beat up jack for you

mui- whoops

I fall asleep after texting Avery.

"WAKE UPPPP!!!" Matt yells at me.

We get off the plane and see Cam waiting for us. We grab our luggage and get in Cam's car.

We arrive at the Magcon house and Jack tries to talk to me but I just tell him to frick off.

I walk up to Mo's room and just cry into shoulder and complain to her. Jacob comes in with my favorite Starbucks drink. Taylor then comes in with a big slushie for me. I think someone forgot to communicate.

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