Chapter 16

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Jacob's POV

We all heard Claire yell that we were racing to her room. Claire didn't know but there was a hallway connecting the two sides of the house. Jack G Cam Aaron Taylor and I all ran across it and got to Claire's room then sat on her bed waiting. Shawn opened the door.

"What the? How? But?" He said.

"Magiiic!" I replied.

Claire Jack and Avery all run through the door. Claire keeps on running and jumps into the foam pit. Soon Avery Shawn and Jack follow her.

"Claire where is Ev?" I ask her.

"With my mom in Canada she went back because my mom wanted her to be with better role models then us. She's a cruel person!" Claire says while watching,"Ev told me that she wanted to come back so I'm buying her a plane ticket tonight."


Ev is 13. For some reason people were always hitting on her and it was really annoying considering she was a younger sister to us.

"When are your sisters coming?" Hayes asked.

"Why do you miss Krystal?" Claire questions back.


"Wednesday with Ev."

Claire's POV

*later that night*

I got ready for my date with Jack. He said to wear athletic clothing so I was wearing some volleyball shorts and a tank top. With some black and white nike sneakers. My hair was in a high messy ponytail.

"You look amazing!"

"That better be Jack talking."

"It is!"

"Good! Shall we be off?" I turn around and see Jack wearing sweat pants and a tank," And someone is looking pretty hot." I start walking towards him and grab his hand and walk out the door.

"Claire you don't know where we are going so why are you still leading me?" Jack says.

"Well I know we will be going down the steps and through the front door," is my simply reply.

"Rebuddle rebuddle!" Jacob yells from the couch.

We walk through the front door and to my car. I sit passenger and Jack sits in the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Surprise!" Jack says.

We pull up to a large building and I see its SkyZone.

We start walking inside and Jack says," I asked Avery what your favorite place was and she said that you really liked SkyZone and she told me that you guys would go every Sunday if your parents said yes. Well she said until something happened to Thomas, but she didn't tell me what happened to Thomas."

"Yeah we would and we would always go to people and say they looked like famous people."

We go to the trampolines and we see people with Magcon hoodies taking a picture so we run in front of them and the get mad at us then they look at the picture and start chasing us. We stop running so they can meet us.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are so cute together. I ship Jlaire so hard. Are you guys on a date?" One fan said.

"Awe thanks and yes we are on a date," I say.

"Awe that's cute. It was..." The fan was interrupted by all three of our phones going off. We all pull them out knowing that it's one of the boys.

'Claire and Jack start answering your text!' Is what Jacob tweeted. Me and Jack go to our text and see we both have around 100 by the boys.

Jack's POV

'Come to the hospital! Matt is in critical care!' Claire starts crying considering Matt is her Best Friend.

I pick up Clair bridal style and carry her to the car and drive to the hospital. When we arrive Claire runs into the hospital and I run after her.

"What happened?" Claire asks Cam.

"Well he was doing a video and he was jumping around and he got his ankle stuck in the railing then it snapped and he fell over the railing. Luck our couch was under it. And he landed on that so he didn't die. But his head is bleeding and they are taking blood samples."

"Claire Muskrat?" A nurse says and Claire stands up to go talk to her.

Claire's POV

A nurse calls my name and I walk over to her,"We have to tell you something very important. So please follow me."

She walks me to a room which has Matt in it.

"Are you adopted?" The nurse ask me.

"No. I don't think."

"Well you were. Your really Matts twin. Your sister....Caitlyn?... Isn't really your twin. We took Matthew's blood and it was a match with yours but none of your sisters or brother."

What? But me and Caitlyn have the same birthday? Now that I think about it I do remember being told that me and Caitlyn aren't identical twins. Me and Matt do look like each other. His hair is blond and mine is too it's just dyed brown because me and Caitlyn wanted to look more like each other.

I realized that the nurse had left so I went to go sit down by Matt. He was sleeping but I still talked to him.

"Hey Matt. So turns out your my brother. Apparently I was adopted and your really my twin not Caitlyn. But I'm probably older than you by like 3 minutes. I don't know how. Or if we should tell the boys..." I start to trail off but am interrupted.

"Tell the boys what. You don't know how what?" I hear Matt say.

"Matt, we are twins. Caitlyn isn't my real twin. I was adopted. I don't know if we should tell the boys." 

"We have to tell the boys. We will tell them on Wednesday so tomorrow. When your sister comes."

A nurse comes in and tells me I have to leave unless I'm family. But I'm family so I get to stay.

Matt got to leave because he was stable again but he had to get staples. The boys had already left but had left us a car. Matt and I drove home. And waited for the next day.

(A/N I want my ears double pierced so bad like the picture at the top.)

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