Chapter 6

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(A/N I changed the preservative so Claire's telling the story if I ever change for times I'll just say blanks POV)

Claire's POV
"Yes he did tell me. That's why I was going into your room earlier, to talk to you," I said. Jack J was attractive but I didn't want to tell him that. The last time I told someone how I felt about them he thought we were dating in fifth  grade. I didn't want that to happen with Jack because me and the kid haven't talked since. Plus I'd only known Jack for like a day or so. I mean I liked him before I meet him because I stalked his social media but I'm sure he didn't stalk mine.

"Oh. I just don't want anything to become awkward." Jack looked nervous.

"Dude nothing will become awkward it's just that we only meet like 2 days ago. I like you too but I've known you longer than you've known me. Nothing will be weird between us. That won't happen." I reply to him. I truly don't want anything to become awkward between me and Johnson. Jack slows down and tells me he's going to wait for Jack so I catch up to Avery,"What did you do once I left for Jacks room? Did you and Shawn hang out?"

"Yeah. We hang out. He's a pretty chill guy. He's really nice and I really like him." Avery didn't seem like herself she seemed that she really liked Shawn.

"Dude. If you like Shawn tell him." Avery whispers something like 'I already did',"well what did he say Avery?"

"He told me first that he liked me. And I told him I liked him but i didn't want to ruin our friendship so I told him we just met like a week ago so we shouldn't date before we left for the MagCon tour."

Shawn's POV

I heard Claire and Avery say my name a few times but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Then all of a sudden I heard Avery start to talk to Claire louder. Still I couldn't make out everything they said. I looked back at them to see Glinisky walking towards them. Glinisky had told me he kind of liked Avery but I thought he was joking because he knew I did. Jack went to go tell Avery that he liked her but then so me looking me at them and instead yelled "OHH!! Shawn might wanna watch out for that pole." And then he started laughing with me barely missing the pole. Glinisky came up to me to talk to me,"First off, your welcome for saving your life," I pushed him when he said that,"and second I like Avery and I want to tell her but I know that you like her and she likes you so I won't." Jack says.

"Thank you I owe you but I wouldn't of died from hitting that pole." Me and Jack G had a nice conversation but we soon got to the sound check place and all conversations stop. Bart wants Avery to do a duet with me and we both said yes to doing it.  Bart also wanted Claire to sing and rap with Jack & Jack because she could sing and rap. Claire and Avery were more than just guest at MagCon now. They were part of MagCon.

Claire's POV

After sound check and vocal practice we all went into the boys room to play truth or dare. Hayes had to ask someone truth or dare first. "Claire truth or dare?"

"Um... Truth."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes. I have 2 older siblings, a twin and 2 younger siblings, which are twins."

"How old are they?" Hayes asked.

"They're 15. Shawn truth or dare?"


"Whimp. Do you like Avery?" I inquire.

"Yes," and he looked over at her and smiled and took her hand in his.

"Wait! Are y'all dating?" Nash asked. Nash seemed really confused.

"No." Shawn said a little sad. I saw Shawn bring Avery's hand up to kiss it.

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