Chapter 14

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Claire's POV

*2 weeks later*

We all have to go back to the hospital to get the arm put on me. The fans were mostly all supportive and kind about this but not all of them. There were some tweets saying "I really wish she died when she was in the accident" but hey people are mean and inconsiderate.

Sometimes we walk into somethings them walk out totally changed. Yeah this was one of those times. Walk in with one arm walk out with two. Also we walked out and there was about 20 fans there.

"Oh my God" and "I love you!" Were thrown around. We took some pictures with the fans and we took one big picture with us and all 20 fans and posted it on Instagram. Then we left.

*2 weeks later*

The Magcon boys who were 18 or older bought a house and they wanted me to live with them. The boys that would be living here would be both Jacks, Cam, Taylor, Aaron, Jacob and Matt. I would be the only girl until Avery's birthday came then she would move in. The only sad thing is her birthday is in 11 months. So for 11 months I'll be the only girl living here. If my mom lets me.

I decide to go back to my house and ask my mom if I can live with the boys. There's really not that much that my mom can say I mean I am 18.

"Yes you can live with the boys. And yes you were talking out loud," my mom says.


I run up stairs to start packing when I get a text from Jack "only pack your clothes. You won't be able to get your furniture over the border. We will buy new stuff." I respond back with a quick ok. Then started to pack. I texted Avery  to come over and help me pack.

"Wait your leaving me for ELEVEN MONTHS!"

"Yeah because your only 17 and I'm 18 and you can't go because your not an adult yet."

"What if my parents let me?"

"Wait what about Shawn? Are you just going to leave him here? And we still will see each other at Magcon each month," I reassured her," And in April Magcon is all month."

"Ok but before you leave me you and Shawn are hanging out non-stop."

We continue to pack and soon a Shawn appears at my bedroom door.


"Leggo white girls!" I yell.

We got our penny boards then skated to Starbucks.

"Hello what would..OMG I'm a big fan of yours... I mean what would you like?" The cashier asked us.

"Um can we have three hot chocolates?" I ask the cashier, Ashely.

"Yes coming right up!"

"Oh and do you want a picture with us?"

Ashely nods her head and we all get ready for the picture.

"Wait so you guys live around here?"

"They do but I'm moving to California. But you can't tell anyone that yet," I respond.

"And me and Shawn would like to hangout with you so here's all three of our numbers," Avery says while we all write our numbers on her arm.

"I'll make sure to text you when I move because you seem super chill!" I say as we walk out the door.

What we didn't know that as we walked through the door Clever News was watching us and was now going to make a video about me moving to California.

The day was coming were I would leave the first 18 years of my life to start new. Shawn, Averys family and my family all went to the airport.

As I said bye to my family I realized that I would be seeing Caitlyn and Krystal also at Magcon because Bart liked when they came because the fans liked them.

As I got on the plane I waved to my family one last time before I moved to California.

"Wake uppppp!" Jack J said. The Jacks and I had meet in Nebraska when I switched planes.

"Fine I'm up," I said.

As we stepped off the plane we saw Cam Aaron Taylor Jacob and Matt. We walked towards them and then hugged everyone.

"Twinnn!!" I yelled at Matt once I got to him. See we call each other twin because we both have the same birthday and we are the same coolness level. We then headed out to the car.

When we got to the house it was giant. It had three levels and had a giant backyard.

I walked inside and the house looked so pretty. As I wondered off to go find my room I felt Matt grab my hand and pull me to the other side of the house on the third level. I saw Hack give him a dirty look.

"Your room is this way. That way is were the boys will be sleeping the girls are sleeping on this side of the house," Matt explained.

"Wait so I have a whole side of the house to myself?"

"No actually Mo is living with us now," Matt says.

"Slay!" I yell back at him.

As we get to my room we are on the third level and there is a foam ball pit and a slide leading into it.

"Yass!" I scream. And run up the slide and go down it. Matt jumps on and we start having a fight by throwing foam at the other person.

Johnson's POV

"Where is Claire?" I ask.

"Upstairs in her room with Matt," the boys answer.

Oh heck nah I think while running upstairs and following the laughter to Claire's room. I open the door and something hits my face.

"Sorry!" Claire says as she continues to throw the foam balls at Matt.

"I want in!" I yell as I jump in the pit and start throwing. After five minutes all the boys are up here throwing foam at people.

You could say today was great!

(A/N merry Christmas Eve! In going to try to post another chapter tomorrow or the day after.)

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