Chapter 21

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(Warning! This is could be a trigger for some people)

Claire's POV

"Jack? I need to ask you one thing," I say.

"Ok. Fire away!" Jack replies.

"What did Matt do after he found out you were cheating?"

"Umm... Well it would be better if you didn't know. I don't want you getting mad at him. I'm sorry I can't tell you baby," he says. That's how I know Matt hurt him.

"Well bye Jack I have to go."

"Bye love you!"

"I love you too, but it hurts me too much to be with you," I whisper.

Jack J's POV

"Who were you talking to? Was it Cat?" Matt says obviously only hearing the very end of the conversation.


"Then who was it, Jack? Are you cheating on Cat now?"

"No! I was talking to your sister. I'm sorry I screwed up! I'm not perfect. I don't know why I did it. I love your sister! Not Cat. Yes I said it! I said 'I love your sister!' And it's true." I scream at him.

"Ok dude chill. If you love her you love her. Just try not to break her heart this time!" Matt says.

"She doesn't want me and I don't blame her. I'm a stupid idiot. Why can't I just do something right for once? Why did I have to break her heart? Why am I so stupid?" I say as I stand up in walk to the bathroom and close door and lock it.

"JACK DON'T DO IT! Your too good for this. We love you! We need you! You are part of my family! Jack you helped me through my rough times so I will help you!"  I hear Matt scream but it's too late. 1...2...3 cuts. One for each time I've hurt someone. One for breaking Claire's heart. One for slapping my best friend. One for playing Cat.

Matt's POV

"JACK DON'T DO IT! Your too good for this. We love you! We need you! You are part of my family! Jack you helped me through my rough times so I will help you!" I scream at Jack.

I call the other Jack telling him to come to the hotel room right away.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Jack G ask while walking in the door.

"Jack cut," I say.

Jack G runs to the door and bangs on it.

"OPEN THE DOOR, JACK!" Jack G yells.

The door doesn't open so we bust it open. We see Jack on the floor crying. Gilinsky and I sit on either on either side of Jack.

"Jack, why did you do it?" I ask.

"Because I hurt so many of you guys. Matt I slapped you. I cheated on Claire. I played Cat like she was a toy. I just can't not hurt someone!" Johnson cries.

"You have to promise you'll never do it again. Jack we love you. We can't loose you!" Gilinsky says.

"I won't."

We all walk into the room after we clean the cuts.

I text Claire saying that she needs to come back and that Jack really does need her.

Jack J's POV

*the next day*

Matt said he had a surprise for me. I asked Gilinsky what it was but he wouldn't tell me.

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